3..new 一个WebControl 插件相关实例
5.通过WebControl 插件实例可以调用API方法操作功能
3..new 一个WebControl 插件相关实例
cbConnectSuccess() { console.log('创建WebControl实例成功'); oWebControl.JS_StartService('window', { // WebControl实例创建成功后需要启动服务 dllPath: './VideoPluginConnect.dll', // 值"./VideoPluginConnect.dll"写死 }) .then( () => { // // 启动插件服务成功 oWebControl.JS_SetWindowControlCallback({ // 设置消息回调 cbIntegrationCallBack: _that.cbIntegrationCallBack, }); oWebControl.JS_CreateWnd(currentId).then(() => { //JS_CreateWnd创建视频播放窗口,宽高可设定 _that.init(); // 创建播放实例成功后初始化 }); }, () => { // 启动插件服务失败 } ) .catch((err) => { console.log(err); }); },
cbConnectError() { // 创建WebControl实例失败 console.log('xxx'); oWebControl = null; $('#' + currentId).html('插件未启动,正在尝试启动,请稍候...'); window.WebControl.JS_WakeUp('VideoWebPlugin://'); // 程序未启动时执行error函数,采用wakeup来启动程序 this.initCount++; if (this.initCount < 3) { setTimeout(function() { this.initPlugin(); }, 3000); } else { $('#' + currentId).html('插件启动失败,请检查插件是否安装!'); } }, cbConnectClose(bNormalClose) { // 异常断开:bNormalClose = false // JS_Disconnect正常断开:bNormalClose = true console.log('cbConnectClose'); oWebControl = null; },
initPlugin() { let _that = this; let currentId = _that.newId ? _that.newId : _that.code const oWebControl = new window.WebControl({ szPluginContainer: currentId, // 指定容器id iServicePortStart: 15900, // 指定起止端口号,建议使用该值 iServicePortEnd: 15909, szClassId: '23BF3B0A-2C56-4D97-9C03-0CB103AA8F11', // 用于IE10使用ActiveX的clsid cbConnectSuccess() { console.log('创建WebControl实例成功'); oWebControl.JS_StartService('window', { // WebControl实例创建成功后需要启动服务 dllPath: './VideoPluginConnect.dll', // 值"./VideoPluginConnect.dll"写死 }) .then( () => { // // 启动插件服务成功 oWebControl.JS_SetWindowControlCallback({ // 设置消息回调 cbIntegrationCallBack: _that.cbIntegrationCallBack, }); oWebControl.JS_CreateWnd(currentId).then(() => { //JS_CreateWnd创建视频播放窗口,宽高可设定 _that.init(); // 创建播放实例成功后初始化 }); }, () => { // 启动插件服务失败 } ) .catch((err) => { console.log(err); }); }, cbConnectError() { // 创建WebControl实例失败 console.log('xxx'); oWebControl = null; $('#' + currentId).html('插件未启动,正在尝试启动,请稍候...'); window.WebControl.JS_WakeUp('VideoWebPlugin://'); // 程序未启动时执行error函数,采用wakeup来启动程序 this.initCount++; if (this.initCount < 3) { setTimeout(function() { this.initPlugin(); }, 3000); } else { $('#' + currentId).html('插件启动失败,请检查插件是否安装!'); } }, cbConnectClose(bNormalClose) { // 异常断开:bNormalClose = false // JS_Disconnect正常断开:bNormalClose = true console.log('cbConnectClose'); oWebControl = null; }, }); this.oWebControl2 = oWebControl; },
//初始化 init() { let _that = this; this.getPubKey(function() { // 请自行修改以下变量值 var appkey = "XXXXX"; //综合安防管理平台提供的appkey,必填 var secret = _that.setEncrypt("XXXXXXXXXX"); //综合安防管理平台提供的secret,必填 var ip = "XXXXXXXX"; //综合安防管理平台IP地址,必填 var playMode = 0; //初始播放模式:0-预览,1-回放 var port = 443; //综合安防管理平台端口,若启用HTTPS协议,默认443 var snapDir = ""; //抓图存储路径 var videoDir = ""; //紧急录像或录像剪辑存储路径 var layout = _that.layout; //playMode指定模式的布局 var enableHTTPS = 1; //是否启用HTTPS协议与综合安防管理平台交互,这里总是填1 var encryptedFields = "secret"; //加密字段,默认加密领域为secret var showToolbar = 0; //是否显示工具栏,0-不显示,非0-显示 var showSmart = 0; //是否显示智能信息(如配置移动侦测后画面上的线框),0-不显示,非0-显示 var buttonIDs = ""; //自定义工具条按钮 // 请自行修改以上变量值 _that.oWebControl2.JS_RequestInterface({ funcName: "init", argument: JSON.stringify({ appkey: appkey, //API网关提供的appkey secret: secret, //API网关提供的secret ip: ip, //API网关IP地址 playMode: playMode, //播放模式(决定显示预览还是回放界面) port: port, //端口 snapDir: snapDir, //抓图存储路径 videoDir: videoDir, //紧急录像或录像剪辑存储路径 layout: layout, //布局 enableHTTPS: enableHTTPS, //是否启用HTTPS协议 encryptedFields: encryptedFields, //加密字段 showToolbar: showToolbar, //是否显示工具栏 showSmart: showSmart, //是否显示智能信息 buttonIDs: buttonIDs, //自定义工具条按钮 }), }) .then((oData) => { _that.oWebControl2.JS_Resize(_that.width, _that.height); // 初始化后resize一次,能和盒子大小一致。 if(_that.codeList.length > 0) { for(let code of _that.codeList) { _that.getVideoFun(code.cameraIndexCode) } }else { _that.getVideoFun(_that.code) } }); }); }, // 设置窗口控制回调 setCallbacks() { this.oWebControl.JS_SetWindowControlCallback({ cbIntegrationCallBack: this.cbIntegrationCallBack, }); }, //获取公钥 getPubKey(callback) { this.oWebControl2.JS_RequestInterface({ funcName: "getRSAPubKey", argument: JSON.stringify({ keyLength: 1024, }), }) .then((oData) => { if (oData.responseMsg.data) { this.pubKey = oData.responseMsg.data; callback(); } }); }, //RSA加密 setEncrypt(value) { var encrypt = new window.JSEncrypt(); encrypt.setPublicKey(this.pubKey); return encrypt.encrypt(value); },
5.通过WebControl 插件实例可以调用API方法操作功能
//视频预览功能 getVideoFun(Code) { var cameraIndexCode = Code; //获取输入的监控点编号值,必填 var streamMode = this.streamMode; //主子码流标识:0-主码流,1-子码流 var transMode = 1; //传输协议:0-UDP,1-TCP var gpuMode = 0; //是否启用GPU硬解,0-不启用,1-启用 var wndId = -1; //播放窗口序号(在2x2以上布局下可指定播放窗口) cameraIndexCode = cameraIndexCode.replace(/(^\s*)/g, ""); cameraIndexCode = cameraIndexCode.replace(/(\s*$)/g, ""); this.oWebControl2 .JS_RequestInterface({ funcName: "startPreview", argument: JSON.stringify({ cameraIndexCode: cameraIndexCode, //监控点编号 streamMode: streamMode, //主子码流标识 transMode: transMode, //传输协议 gpuMode: gpuMode, //是否开启GPU硬解 wndId: wndId, //可指定播放窗口 }), }) .then((res) => { // console.log(res, "res"); }); }, // 销毁播放窗口 destroyVideoDiv() { this.oWebControl2.JS_DestroyWnd() .then((data) => { console.log("销毁窗口成功"); }) .catch((err) => { console.log("销毁窗口失败"); }); },
<template> <video v-resize="DomResize" :id="newId ? newId : code" autoplay></video></template><script>export default { props: { streamMode: { type: Number, default() { return 0 } }, code: { type: String, default() { return '' } }, newId: { type: String, default() { return '' } }, codeList: { type: Array, default() { return [] } }, layout: { type: String, default() { return '1x1' } }, width: { type: Number, default() { return 212 } }, height: { type: Number, default() { return 120 } } }, data() { return { initCount: 0, pubKey: '', oWebControl2: '', } }, created() { this.$nextTick(() => { this.initPlugin(); }); }, methods: { DomResize(data) { let { width, height } = data; // console.log('width:', width, 'height:', height, ' dom尺寸方式改变'); this.init(); }, initPlugin() { let _that = this; let currentId = _that.newId ? _that.newId : _that.code const oWebControl = new window.WebControl({ szPluginContainer: currentId, // 指定容器id iServicePortStart: 15900, // 指定起止端口号,建议使用该值 iServicePortEnd: 15909, szClassId: '23BF3B0A-2C56-4D97-9C03-0CB103AA8F11', // 用于IE10使用ActiveX的clsid cbConnectSuccess() { console.log('创建WebControl实例成功'); oWebControl.JS_StartService('window', { // WebControl实例创建成功后需要启动服务 dllPath: './VideoPluginConnect.dll', // 值"./VideoPluginConnect.dll"写死 }) .then( () => { // // 启动插件服务成功 oWebControl.JS_SetWindowControlCallback({ // 设置消息回调 cbIntegrationCallBack: _that.cbIntegrationCallBack, }); oWebControl.JS_CreateWnd(currentId).then(() => { //JS_CreateWnd创建视频播放窗口,宽高可设定 _that.init(); // 创建播放实例成功后初始化 }); }, () => { // 启动插件服务失败 } ) .catch((err) => { console.log(err); }); }, cbConnectError() { // 创建WebControl实例失败 console.log('xxx'); oWebControl = null; $('#' + currentId).html('插件未启动,正在尝试启动,请稍候...'); window.WebControl.JS_WakeUp('VideoWebPlugin://'); // 程序未启动时执行error函数,采用wakeup来启动程序 this.initCount++; if (this.initCount < 3) { setTimeout(function() { this.initPlugin(); }, 3000); } else { $('#' + currentId).html('插件启动失败,请检查插件是否安装!'); } }, cbConnectClose(bNormalClose) { // 异常断开:bNormalClose = false // JS_Disconnect正常断开:bNormalClose = true console.log('cbConnectClose'); oWebControl = null; }, }); this.oWebControl2 = oWebControl; }, //初始化 init() { let _that = this; this.getPubKey(function() { // 请自行修改以下变量值 var appkey = "XXXXX"; //综合安防管理平台提供的appkey,必填 var secret = _that.setEncrypt("XXXXX"); //综合安防管理平台提供的secret,必填 var ip = "XXXXXXX"; //综合安防管理平台IP地址,必填 var playMode = 0; //初始播放模式:0-预览,1-回放 var port = 443; //综合安防管理平台端口,若启用HTTPS协议,默认443 var snapDir = ""; //抓图存储路径 var videoDir = ""; //紧急录像或录像剪辑存储路径 var layout = _that.layout; //playMode指定模式的布局 var enableHTTPS = 1; //是否启用HTTPS协议与综合安防管理平台交互,这里总是填1 var encryptedFields = "secret"; //加密字段,默认加密领域为secret var showToolbar = 0; //是否显示工具栏,0-不显示,非0-显示 var showSmart = 0; //是否显示智能信息(如配置移动侦测后画面上的线框),0-不显示,非0-显示 var buttonIDs = ""; //自定义工具条按钮 // 请自行修改以上变量值 _that.oWebControl2.JS_RequestInterface({ funcName: "init", argument: JSON.stringify({ appkey: appkey, //API网关提供的appkey secret: secret, //API网关提供的secret ip: ip, //API网关IP地址 playMode: playMode, //播放模式(决定显示预览还是回放界面) port: port, //端口 snapDir: snapDir, //抓图存储路径 videoDir: videoDir, //紧急录像或录像剪辑存储路径 layout: layout, //布局 enableHTTPS: enableHTTPS, //是否启用HTTPS协议 encryptedFields: encryptedFields, //加密字段 showToolbar: showToolbar, //是否显示工具栏 showSmart: showSmart, //是否显示智能信息 buttonIDs: buttonIDs, //自定义工具条按钮 }), }) .then((oData) => { _that.oWebControl2.JS_Resize(_that.width, _that.height); // 初始化后resize一次,能和盒子大小一致。 if(_that.codeList.length > 0) { for(let code of _that.codeList) { _that.getVideoFun(code.cameraIndexCode) } }else { _that.getVideoFun(_that.code) } }); }); }, // 设置窗口控制回调 setCallbacks() { this.oWebControl.JS_SetWindowControlCallback({ cbIntegrationCallBack: this.cbIntegrationCallBack, }); }, //获取公钥 getPubKey(callback) { this.oWebControl2.JS_RequestInterface({ funcName: "getRSAPubKey", argument: JSON.stringify({ keyLength: 1024, }), }) .then((oData) => { if (oData.responseMsg.data) { this.pubKey = oData.responseMsg.data; callback(); } }); }, //RSA加密 setEncrypt(value) { var encrypt = new window.JSEncrypt(); encrypt.setPublicKey(this.pubKey); return encrypt.encrypt(value); }, //视频预览功能 getVideoFun(Code) { var cameraIndexCode = Code; //获取输入的监控点编号值,必填 var streamMode = this.streamMode; //主子码流标识:0-主码流,1-子码流 var transMode = 1; //传输协议:0-UDP,1-TCP var gpuMode = 0; //是否启用GPU硬解,0-不启用,1-启用 var wndId = -1; //播放窗口序号(在2x2以上布局下可指定播放窗口) cameraIndexCode = cameraIndexCode.replace(/(^\s*)/g, ""); cameraIndexCode = cameraIndexCode.replace(/(\s*$)/g, ""); this.oWebControl2 .JS_RequestInterface({ funcName: "startPreview", argument: JSON.stringify({ cameraIndexCode: cameraIndexCode, //监控点编号 streamMode: streamMode, //主子码流标识 transMode: transMode, //传输协议 gpuMode: gpuMode, //是否开启GPU硬解 wndId: wndId, //可指定播放窗口 }), }) .then((res) => { // console.log(res, "res"); }); }, // 销毁播放窗口 destroyVideoDiv() { this.oWebControl2.JS_DestroyWnd() .then((data) => { console.log("销毁窗口成功"); }) .catch((err) => { console.log("销毁窗口失败"); }); }, hideVideoDiv() { this.oWebControl2.JS_HideWnd() }, showVideoDiv() { this.oWebControl2.JS_ShowWnd() } }}</script>