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2023 西北工业大学 NOJ 程序设计基础(C++) 100道完结版 含额外样例,题意理解,coding思路分析,难度评估

作者:欧阳逸时间:2024-03-23 16:45:57分类:诗句大全

简介  文章浏览阅读1.8k次,点赞37次,收藏63次。2023版的西工大NOJ,C++版本首发啦_西工大noj



2023西工大NOJ (C语言版) 完结!!!-CSDN博客


















每题的代码,前两行会是 难度,重要性 评估,然后是该程序的一些注意点。






   实在不行也得用Visual Studio,community版本免费,官网链接如下

   Visual Studio 2022 IDE - 适用于软件开发人员的编程工具 (microsoft.com)


   B站上手把手教你安装配置Clion,Visual Studio的视频一抓一大把,学不会就洗洗睡吧。

   你说Visual Studio下载太慢?我滴IDM可是一眨眼就下好了,你也可以试试梯子。






   官网链接Snipaste - 截图 + 贴图,不过建议直接在微软商店下载,体验更友好。至于使用方法,当然是自己去B站大学自学啦。







        pending        :处理中,重新刷新或者重新点击NOJ作业有概率得到结果;



        AC                :你醒啦,恭喜你,你已经是个女孩子了(幻视,划掉);恭喜你,这道题通过了。

        WA               :程序错误,不能在输入后台样例的情况下得到正确结果。

        TE                :超时,也就是你的程序运行时间太长;

                                noj有的题目对时间卡的很紧,出现这种情况说明你又没动脑子 : (



        CE                :编译错误。

















第二部分: using namespace std;




第四部分:主函数 int main()



#include <iostream>using namespace std;void fun(){    }int main() {    return 0;//new C++ standard can ignore this}




如果想买一个外接显示器的话(可以显著提升电脑使用体验),建议买23.8寸左右的,27寸你瓜宿舍桌面真塞的下,但是太大了,观感很不好。最重要的是分辨率至少2k,刷新率75hz就够用,色准要好,基础HDR要有,要是支持Type-C一线连接就更好啦。(我滴SANC N50PLUS 3代完美符合捏)在这之后就可以买个侧立支架把笔记本合上了,(如果你不是很追求双屏体验,双屏瓜的桌子也不怎么塞得下吧)。(十分建议显示器在京东上买)

对了,显示器最好搭配支架使用,NB f80就挺好的,便宜好用质量好。(为了应对挡板,可以搭配某宝定制小实木木块使用)





后期会逐渐添加题目截图,有的可能不含Sample Input和Sample Output部分,但是代码最后肯定有;

如果Additional Input和Additional Output 是NULL,说明这题没必要搞额外样例,或者是太麻烦,我已经懒死了;(要是实在想要额外样例,拿我的代码随便跑几个不就行了)




2023年秋-2024年春的C++ noj 一共100道,应该是最多AC97道的亚子;

其中   042.【专业融合:航空】飞机起飞速度





001.Hello World

//Difficulty: 0/10//Importance:10/10//The place our dream begin!//What you need://a good coding style(tab,enter,naming...)//clear coding logics#include <iostream>using namespace std;int main(){    cout << "Hello World"<<endl;//printf("hello world\n");    return 0;}//tip:no "!" here/*Sample input:nullSample output:Hello World*//*Additional input:nullAdditional output:Hello World*/


//Difficulty: 0/10//Importance: 0/10#include <iostream>using namespace std;int main(){    int A, B;    cin >> A >> B ;    cout <<A+B<<endl;    return 0;}/*Sample input:3 4Sample output:7*//*Additional input:5 6Additional output:11*/





//Difficulty: 1/10//Importance: 1/10//make use of <climits> (<limits.h>) to get min and max sizes//sizeof(),return memory size(bit)#include <iostream>#include <climits>using namespace std;int main(){    int n;    cin >> n;    switch (n) {        case 1: cout << sizeof(char) << "," << CHAR_MIN << "," << CHAR_MAX; break;        case 2: cout << sizeof(unsigned char) << "," << 0<< "," << UCHAR_MAX; break;        case 3: cout << sizeof(short) << "," << SHRT_MIN << "," << SHRT_MAX; break;        case 4: cout << sizeof(unsigned short) << "," << 0<< "," << USHRT_MAX; break;        case 5: cout << sizeof(int) << "," << INT_MIN << "," << INT_MAX; break;        case 6: cout << sizeof(unsigned int) << "," << 0<< "," << UINT_MAX; break;        case 7: cout << sizeof(long) << "," << LONG_MIN << "," << LONG_MAX; break;        case 8: cout << sizeof(unsigned long) << "," << 0 << "," << ULONG_MAX; break;        case 9: cout << sizeof(long long) << "," << LLONG_MIN << "," << LLONG_MAX; break;        case 10: cout << sizeof(unsigned long long) << "," << 0 << "," << ULLONG_MAX; break;    }    return 0;}/*Sample input:5Sample output:4,-2147483648,2147483647*//*Additional input:1Additional output:1,-128,127*/





        a>>i        为:将二进制数据a右移i位,即a/(2^i);

        a<<i        为:将二进制数据a左移i位,即a*(2^i); 

3.注:C++ 中int类型除法,正数向下取整(即floor()),负数向上取整(即ceil())

        eg: 1/2=0;        -1/2=0;

4.因此version 2 需要保证A>B才能实现一直使用向下取整,或者人为添加floor();(A=B不用考虑)


//Difficulty: 3/10//Importance:10/10//Note that the data range corresponding to the type//may be exceeded during the calculation,//resulting in overflow//version 1:Bitwise operations(better)#include <iostream>using namespace std;int main(){    int A, B;    cin >>A >>B;    int avg = ((A - B) >> 1) + B;    cout<<avg;    return 0;}//version 2:Split#include <iostream>using namespace std;int main(){    int A, B;    cin >>A >>B;    if(A<B) swap(A,B);  //or:{int t=B;B=A;A=t;}    int avg = (A - B)/2 + B;    cout<<avg;       return 0;}/*Sample input:3 4Sample output:3*//*Additional input:5 6Additional output:5*/




        %d        :即为dec,十进制;

        %o        :即为oct, 八进制;

        %x        :即为hex,十六进制(小写);

        %X       :即为hex,十六进制(大写);




uppercase :十六进制格式字母变大写

showpos :在正数前显示+号

showbase :十六进制前显示 0x, 八进制前显示0

boolalpha :逻辑值1和0用ture和false 输出

left :输出内容靠左

right :输出内容靠右

scientific :科学记数法

showpoint : 即使小数后面都是0,也输出小数点。

//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance:10/10//make use of C's good features//printf() is very useful when you need special outputs//version 1:printf(recommended)#include<iostream>using namespace std;int main(){    int a;    cin >> a;    printf("%X,%o",a,a);    return 0;}//version 2:cout#include <iostream>#include <iomanip> using namespace std; int main(){    int a;    cin>>a;    cout<<setiosflags(ios::uppercase)<<hex<<x<<endl;}/*Sample input:10Sample output:A,12*//*Additional input:12Additional output:C,14*/





//Difficulty: 1/10//Importance:10/10//version 1: printf(recommended)#include<iostream>using namespace std;int main(){    double a;    cin >> a;    printf("%.6f,%.2f,%.8f",a,a,a);     return 0; }//version 2: cout#include<iostream>#include<iomanip>using namespace std;int main(){    double a;    cin >> a;    cout <<fixed<< setprecision(6) << a << "," << fixed <<setprecision(2) << a << "," << fixed <<setprecision(8) << a << endl;    //or: cout <<fixed<< setprecision(6) << a << "," << setprecision(2) << a << "," << setprecision(8) << a << endl;    return 0;}/*Sample input:12345567.891234567Sample output:12345567.891235,12345567.89,12345567.89123457*//*Additional input:3.141592654Additional output:3.141593,3.14,3.14159265*/





//Difficulty: 1/10//Importance:10/10#include <iostream>#include <iomanip>using namespace std;int main(){    int m, n;    cin >> m >> n;    cout << setw(n) << setfill('0') << m << endl;    return 0;}/*Sample input:123 5Sample output:00123*//*Additional input:123 7Additional output:0000123*/





//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10#include<iostream>#include<cmath>#include<iomanip>#define pi 3.141592654using namespace std;double hav(double x) {    double result = (1 - cos(x)) * 0.5;    return result;}double trans(double e) {    double m;    m = (e / 180) * pi;    return m;}int main(){    double x1, y1, x2, y2,s,m,d;    cin >> x1 >> y1;    cin >> x2 >> y2;    x1 = trans(x1), y1 = trans(y1), x2 = trans(x2), y2 = trans(y2);    s = hav(x2 - x1) + cos(x1) * cos(x2) * hav(y2 - y1);    m = acos(1 - 2*s);    d = m * 6371;    cout <<fixed<<setprecision(4)<< d <<"km"<< endl;}/*Sample input:34.260958 108.94236955.755825 37.617298Sample output:5793.2236km*//*Additional input:24.260958 105.94236945.755825 31.617298Additional output:6917.5743km*/





原型double pow(double x, double y);         



        double floor(doube x);        floor为地板的意思,所以是向下取整;

        double ceil(doube x);         ceiling为天花板的意思,所以是向上取整;

        double round(doube x);     round为左右、四周的意思,所以是四舍五入;

//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10#include<iostream>#include<cmath>using namespace std;int main(){    double  v, t;    double chilldegree;    cin >> v >> t;    double a = pow(v, 0.16);    chilldegree = 13.12 + 0.6215 * t - 11.37 * a+ 0.3965* t * a;    chilldegree = round(chilldegree);    cout << chilldegree;}/*Sample input:120 35Sample output:40*//*Additional input:66 39Additional output:45*/




2.涉及浮点数精度问题,当判断一个浮点数x是否为0,应使用 x-0<1e-9等类似方式;

//Difficulty: 3/10//Importance: 3/10//given types of float,double have precision problem//(a - b < 1e-9) is used to judge whether it is 0#include<iostream>#include<iomanip>using namespace std;int main() {    int R, G, B;    cin >> R >> G >> B;    double r, g, b, h, s, v;    double MAX, MIN, d;    r = R / 255.0;    g = G / 255.0;    b = B / 255.0;    MAX = max(r,max(g,b) );    MIN = min(r,min(g,b));    d = MAX - MIN;    v = MAX;    if (MAX - 0 < 1e-9) {        s = 0;    }    else {        s = d / MAX;    }    if (d - 0 < 1e-9) {        h = 0;    }    else {        s = d / MAX;        if (MAX - r < 1e-9) {            h = 60 * ((g - b) / d);        }        else if (MAX - g < 1e-9) {            h = 60 * (2 + (b - r) / d);        }        else if (MAX - b < 1e-9) {            h = 60 * (4 + (r - g) / d);        }        if (h - 0 < 1e-9) {            h = h + 360;        }    }    cout << fixed << setprecision(4) << h << ","    << fixed << setprecision(4) << s * 100 << "%,"    << fixed << setprecision(4) << v * 100 << "%";}/*Sample input:0 215 0Sample output:120.0000,100.0000%,84.3137%*//*Additional input:0 0 0Additional output:0.0000,0.0000%,0.0000%*//*Additional input:255 255 255Additional output:0.0000,0.0000%,100.0000%*//*Additional input:123 54 45Additional output:6.9231,63.4146%,48.2353%*/






        模的乘法性质:对于任意整数a、b和n,有(a * b) mod n = ((a mod n) *( b mod n)) mod n;


//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance:10/10//learn some formulas for mod//to prevent exceeding and TE#include <iostream>using namespace std;int main(){    unsigned long long a, b, m, r;    cin >> a >> b >> m;    r = ((a % m) * (b % m)) % m;    cout << r;}/*Sample input:123 456 100000Sample output:56088 *//*Additional input:1244 12567 5758Additional output:378*/







        a ? b : c ;                  代表  a为真,得到b;a为假,得到c;

//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 4/10//discover some wonderful functions in cmath!#include <iostream>#include <cmath>using namespace std;void generatematrix(int n) {    for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {        for (int j = 1; j <= n; j++) {            int v = abs(i - j);//or : int v = (i-j)>0 ? i-j : j-i ;            cout << v << "  ";        }        cout << endl;    }}int main(){    int m;    cin >> m;    generatematrix(m);}/*Sample input:5Sample output:0  1  2  3  41  0  1  2  32  1  0  1  23  2  1  0  14  3  2  1  0*//*Additional input:2Additional output:0  11  0*/



1.关于 while,if,for等循环语句的格式:

        当循环内只有一个语句时,可以不加{ };


        但是建议一句时,循环内语句直接写在  while,if,for后面,不要随便换行,保证优秀的可阅读性;

        理论上,你把所有语句全换成逗号间隔,那算起来只有一句,也不用{ };你最好不要这么干,考虑逗号表达式和可读性;分号该加就加,换行该打就打,要有美感。

        多语句使用{ }时,建议 while,if,for后面跟 {   空一行之后,与 while,if,for的开头对齐,打 } (这是大部分主流编程软件的自动格式,然鹅破破又烂烂的CodeBlocks,根本不会给自动格式,导致有的人写的程序不忍直视)

//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10//simple enum#include <iostream>using namespace std;int main() {    int a,b,c,d,n,sum=0;    cin>>n;    for (a=0;a<=9;++a){        for(b=0;b<=9;++b){            for(c=0;c<=9;++c){                for(d=0;d<=9;++d){                    if (n==a+b+c+d) sum++;                    else sum=sum+0;                }            }        }    }    cout<<sum;}/*Sample input:15Sample output:592*//*Additional input:37Additional output:0*/




2.floor函数前面 009.风寒指数 的note已经介绍过;

//Difficulty: 3/10//Importance:10/10//memorize gcd!#include <iostream>#include <cmath>using namespace std;int gcd(int a,int b){    if(b==0){return a;}    return gcd(b,a%b);}int main(){    double fz;    int fm=1,m;    cin>>fz;    for(fz;fz!=floor(fz);fz=fz*10,fm=fm*10);    m=gcd((int)(fz),fm);    fz=fz/m;    fm=fm/m;    cout<<fz<<"/"<<fm;}/*Sample input:4.2Sample output:21/5*//*Additional input:3.33333Additional output:333333/100000*/










        在这个程序里用来去掉不想要的符号‘/’ ,然而在各种程序里,getchar()也可以用来使你的console控制台(没错就是那个大黑框)在程序运行到最后的时候保持显示,直至你有输入(只需在程序的最后加上一行getchar();)


//Difficulty: 3/10//Importance: 3/10//I don't think tuple necessary//you can use point to replace//more acceptable way is using Global variables//plus,getchar() is very useful//version 1:use array to pass values(recommended)#include <iostream>using namespace std;int gcd(int x,int y){    if(y==0)return x;    else return gcd(y,x%y);}void add(int fz1,int fm1,int fz2,int fm2,int arr[4][2]){    int nfz,nfm,d;    nfz=fz1*fm2+fz2*fm1;    nfm=fm1*fm2;    d=gcd(nfz,nfm);    nfz=nfz/d;    nfm=nfm/d;    arr[0][0]=nfz;    arr[0][1]=nfm;}void sub(int fz1,int fm1,int fz2,int fm2,int arr[4][2]){    int nfz,nfm,d;    nfz=fz1*fm2-fz2*fm1;    nfm=fm1*fm2;    d=gcd(nfz,nfm);    nfz=nfz/d;    nfm=nfm/d;    arr[1][0]=nfz;    arr[1][1]=nfm;}void multi(int fz1,int fm1,int fz2,int fm2,int arr[4][2]){    int nfz,nfm,d;    nfz=fz1*fz2;    nfm=fm1*fm2;    d=gcd(nfz,nfm);    nfz=nfz/d;    nfm=nfm/d;    arr[2][0]=nfz;    arr[2][1]=nfm;}void divi(int fz1,int fm1,int fz2,int fm2,int arr[4][2]){    int nfz,nfm,d;    nfz=fz1*fm2;    nfm=fm1*fz2;    d=gcd(nfz,nfm);    nfz=nfz/d;    nfm=nfm/d;    arr[3][0]=nfz;    arr[3][1]=nfm;}int main() {    int fz1,fm1,fz2,fm2;    cin>>fz1;    getchar();    cin>>fm1;    cin>>fz2;    getchar();    cin>>fm2;    int arr[4][2];    add(fz1,fm1,fz2,fm2,arr);    sub(fz1,fm1,fz2,fm2,arr);    multi(fz1,fm1,fz2,fm2,arr);    divi(fz1,fm1,fz2,fm2,arr);    char symbol[4]={'+','-','*','/'};    for(int i=0;i<4;++i){        cout<<'('<<fz1<<'/'<<fm1<<')'<<symbol[i]<<'('<<fz2<<'/'<<fm2<<')'            <<'='<<arr[i][0]<<'/'<<arr[i][1]<<endl;    }    return 0;}//version 2:use tuple#include <iostream>#include <tuple>using namespace std;int gcd(int x,int y){    if(y==0)return x;    else return gcd(y,x%y);}tuple<int,int> add(int fz1,int fm1,int fz2,int fm2){    int nfz,nfm,d;    nfz=fz1*fm2+fz2*fm1;    nfm=fm1*fm2;    d=gcd(nfz,nfm);    nfz=nfz/d;    nfm=nfm/d;    return make_tuple(nfz,nfm);}tuple<int,int> sub(int fz1,int fm1,int fz2,int fm2){    int nfz,nfm,d;    nfz=fz1*fm2-fz2*fm1;    nfm=fm1*fm2;    d=gcd(nfz,nfm);    nfz=nfz/d;    nfm=nfm/d;    return make_tuple(nfz,nfm);}tuple<int,int> multi(int fz1,int fm1,int fz2,int fm2){    int nfz,nfm,d;    nfz=fz1*fz2;    nfm=fm1*fm2;    d=gcd(nfz,nfm);    nfz=nfz/d;    nfm=nfm/d;    return make_tuple(nfz,nfm);}tuple<int,int> divi(int fz1,int fm1,int fz2,int fm2){    int nfz,nfm,d;    nfz=fz1*fm2;    nfm=fm1*fz2;    d=gcd(nfz,nfm);    nfz=nfz/d;    nfm=nfm/d;    return make_tuple(nfz,nfm);}int main() {    int fz1,fm1,fz2,fm2;    cin>>fz1;    getchar();    cin>>fm1;    cin>>fz2;    getchar();    cin>>fm2;    tuple<int,int> result0=add(fz1,fm1,fz2,fm2);    cout<<'('<<fz1<<'/'<<fm1<<')'<<'+'<<'('<<fz2<<'/'<<fm2<<')'    <<'='<<get<0>(result0)<<'/'<<get<1>(result0)<<endl;    tuple<int,int> result1=sub(fz1,fm1,fz2,fm2);    cout<<'('<<fz1<<'/'<<fm1<<')'<<'-'<<'('<<fz2<<'/'<<fm2<<')'    <<'='<<get<0>(result1)<<'/'<<get<1>(result1)<<endl;    tuple<int,int> result2=multi(fz1,fm1,fz2,fm2);    cout<<'('<<fz1<<'/'<<fm1<<')'<<'*'<<'('<<fz2<<'/'<<fm2<<')'    <<'='<<get<0>(result2)<<'/'<<get<1>(result2)<<endl;    tuple<int,int> result3=divi(fz1,fm1,fz2,fm2);    cout<<'('<<fz1<<'/'<<fm1<<')'<<'/'<<'('<<fz2<<'/'<<fm2<<')'    <<'='<<get<0>(result3)<<'/'<<get<1>(result3)<<endl;}/*Sample input:2/33/7Sample output:(2/3)+(3/7)=23/21(2/3)-(3/7)=5/21(2/3)*(3/7)=2/7(2/3)/(3/7)=14/9*//*Additional input:1/21/2Additional output:(1/2)+(1/2)=1/1(1/2)-(1/2)=0/1(1/2)*(1/2)=1/4(1/2)/(1/2)=1/1*/






 2.对 typedef  unsigned long long(或者long long) ll;的操作是常见的编程实践;


//Difficulty: 3/10//Importance: 10/10//learn fast mod algorithm!//you can use Bitwise operations//but fast mod is better#include<iostream>typedef unsigned long long ll;using namespace std;int main(){    ll a,b,m,ans=1;    cin>>a>>b>>m;    while(b){        if(b&1){            ans=(ans*a)%m;        }        a=(a*a)%m;        b>>=1;    }    cout<<ans;}/*Sample input:2 10 9Sample output:7*//*Additional input:2 63 1314Additional output:512*/




2.<unordered_map> 无序关联容器 和map一样,十分好用;

3.迭代器,掌握.begin() .end() .rbegin() .rend()


//Difficulty: 5/10//Importance: 5/10//there must be longer,but stupider ways//why not take C++'s unique advantages?//such as map/unordered_map,iterator(which is easier to use)#include<iostream>#include<string>#include<unordered_map>using namespace std;int main(){    string ori,inver;    cin>>ori;    unordered_map<char,char> table{{'0','0'},{'1','1'},{'6','9'},{'9','6'},{'8','8'}};    for(auto it=ori.rbegin();it!=ori.rend();++it){        inver.push_back(table[*it]);}// or: inver+=table[*it];    if(inver==ori)cout<<"Yes";    else cout<<"No";}/*Sample input:916Sample output:Yes*//*Additional input:1000081800001Additional output:Yes*/




//Difficulty: 3/10//Importance: 3/10//version 1: no func#include<iostream>using namespace std;int main(){    int n,n1,d,sum,k;    cin>>n;    sum=0;    n1=n;    for(k=0;n1>0;++k){        while(n>0){            d=n%10;            sum+=d;            n=n/10;        }        n1-=sum;        n=n1;        sum=0;    }    cout<<k;}//version 2: func#include<iostream> int sumPerDig(int n){    int sum = 0;    while(n){        sum += n%10;        n /= 10;    }    return sum; } int main(){    int n,cnt=0;    cin>>n;     while(n){        n -= sumPerDig(n);        ++cnt;    }     cout<<cnt;     return 0;}/*Sample input:21Sample output:3*//*Additional input:164Additional output:17*/




//Difficulty: 3/10//Importance: 3/10#include<iostream>using namespace std;int main(){    int T;    cin>>T;    int num[T];    for(int i=0;i<T;++i){        int n;        cin>>n;        int sum=0;        for(int j=1;j<n;j++){            if (j%3==0||j%5==0){                sum+=j;            }        }        num[i]=sum;    }    for(int k=0;k<T;++k){        cout<<num[k]<<endl;    }}/*Sample input:210100Sample output:232318*//*Additional input:25415115Additional output:683106102195*/






//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10#include<iostream>using namespace std;int wid(int n){    int i=0;    if(n==0)return 1;    else{        while(n){            n=n/10;            i++;        }        return i;    }}double decimal(double n){    int w;    w=wid(n);    for(int i=0;i<w;++i){        n=n/10.0;    }    return n;}int main(){    int n;    cin>>n;    int z[n];    for(int i=0;i<n;++i){        z[i]=i+1;    }    int x[n];    for(int j=0;j<n;++j){        x[j]=j+2;    }    double sum=0.0,s;    for(int k=0;k<n;++k){        s=(double)z[k]+decimal((double)x[k]);        sum+=s;    }    cout<<z[0]+decimal(x[0]);    for(int k=0;k<n-1;++k){        cout<<'+'<<z[k+1]+decimal((double)x[k+1]);    }    cout<<'='<<sum;}/*Sample input:10Sample output:1.2+2.3+3.4+4.5+5.6+6.7+7.8+8.9+9.1+10.11=59.61*//*Additional input:5Additional output:1.2+2.3+3.4+4.5+5.6=17*/



//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10//You can use setfill('?') before setw(n) to control//the character used for filling setw (default is space).#include <iostream>#include <iomanip>using namespace std;int wid(int n){    int i=0;    if(n==0)return 1;    else{        while(n){            n=n/10;            i++;        }        return i;    }}int main() {    int a,b,b0,i=0,ans,n,n0;    cin>>a>>b;    int z[wid(b)];    b0=b;    while(b0>0){        int c=b0%10;        z[i]=c*a;        b0=b0/10;        ++i;    }    ans=a*b;    n=wid(ans);    n0=n;    cout<<setw(n+1)<<a<<endl<<'x'<<setw(n)<<b<<endl;    for(int j=0;j<n+1;++j){        cout<<'-';    }cout<<endl;    for(int j=0;j<wid(b)-1;++j){        cout<<setw(n0+1)<<z[j]<<endl;        n0=n0-1;    }    cout<<'+'<<z[wid(b)-1]<<endl;    for(int j=0;j<n+1;++j){        cout<<'-';    }    cout<<endl<<setw(n+1)<<ans;}/*Sample input:12345 120Sample output:   12345x    120--------       0  24690+12345-------- 1481400*//*Additional input:12479 9347Additional output:     12479x     9347----------     87353    49916   37437+112311---------- 116641213*/


//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10#include<iostream>#include<tuple>using namespace std;tuple<int,int> sum(int n){    int i=1,k;    while(((i*(i+1))/2)<n){        ++i;    }    i=i-1;    k=(i*(i+1))/2;    return make_tuple(i+1,k);}int main(){    int n,k;    cin>>n;    tuple<int,int> result=sum(n);    int a[get<0>(result)];    for(int j=0;j<get<0>(result);++j){        a[j]=j+1;    }    k=get<1>(result);    cout<<a[n-k-1];}/*Sample input:14Sample output:4*//*Additional input:45Additional output:9*/


//Difficulty: 1/10//Importance: 1/10#include<iostream>using namespace std;int main(){    int n,a,b,c;    cin>>n;    for(a=0;a<n/4;a++){        for(b=n/4+1;b>n/4&&b<n/2;b++){            c=n-a-b;            if(a*a+b*b==c*c&&c>b){                cout<<a*b*c;            }        }    }}/*Sample input:1000Sample output:31875000*//*Additional input:42360Additional output:1101603584441138216*/


//Difficulty: 1/10//Importance: 1/10#include<iostream>using namespace std;int main(){    int n,k,s,sum=0;    cin>>n>>k;    for(int i=0;i<n;++i){        s=k%(i+1);        sum+=s;    }    cout<<sum;}/*Sample input:10 5Sample output:29*//*Additional input:45 2Additional output:86*/


//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10#include<iostream>using namespace std;int wid(int n){    int i=0;    if(n==0)return 1;    else{        while(n){            n=n/10;            i++;        }        return i;    }}int main(){    int n,m,m0,f,l,w;    cin>>n;    m=n;    m0=m;    for(;m0>=0;--m0){        int sum=0;        m=m0;        w=wid(m);        for(int i=0;i<w-1;++i){            l=m%10;            m=m/10;            f=m%10;            if (f<=l) sum++;        }        if (sum==w-1){            cout<<m0;            break;        }    }}/*Sample input:200Sample output:199*//*Additional input:246545Additional output:245999*/





//Difficulty: 5/10//Importance:10/10//a classic BFS#include <iostream>#include <queue>#include <set>#include <array>using namespace std;int main(){    int m,n,d;    cin>>m>>n>>d;    queue<array<int,2>> q;    set<array<int,2>>visited;    q.push({0,0});    visited.insert({0,0});    int minop=0;    while(!q.empty()){        int size=q.size();        for(int i=0;i<size;++i){            array<int,2> curr=q.front();            q.pop();            int x = curr[0];            int y = curr[1];            if (x == d || y == d) {                cout <<minop<<endl;                return 0;            }            array<int, 2> next;            //fill m            next = {m, y};            if (visited.find(next) == visited.end()) {                q.push(next);                visited.insert(next);            }            //fill n            next = {x, n};            if (visited.find(next) == visited.end()) {                q.push(next);                visited.insert(next);            }            //empty m            next={0,y};            if(visited.find(next)==visited.end()){                q.push(next);                visited.insert(next);            }            //empty n            next={x,0};            if(visited.find(next)==visited.end()){                q.push(next);                visited.insert(next);            }            //m to n            int pourAmount1 = std::min(x, n - y);            next = {x - pourAmount1, y + pourAmount1};            if (visited.find(next) == visited.end()) {                q.push(next);                visited.insert(next);            }            //n to m            int pourAmount2 = std::min(y, m-x);            next = {x + pourAmount2, y - pourAmount2};            if (visited.find(next) == visited.end()) {                q.push(next);                visited.insert(next);            }        }minop++;    }}/*Sample input:3 5 4Sample output:6*//*Additional input:5 9 7Additional output:12*//*Additional input:28 17 13Additional output:26*/


//Difficulty: 3/10//Importance: 3/10//fastmod algorithm#include<iostream>typedef long long ll;using namespace std;ll fastmod(ll base,ll power){    ll m=1000000007,res=1;    while(power){        if(power&1){            res=(res*base)%m;        }        base=(base*base)%m;        power>>=1;    }    return res;}int main(){    ll n,evenCount,oddCount,ans,m=1000000007;    cin>>n;    evenCount=fastmod(5,(n+1)/2);    //each even point corresponds to 5 possibilities(5 even numbers:0,2,4,6,8)    //occurtimes=(n+1)/2    oddCount=fastmod(4,n/2);    //each odd point corresponds to 4 possibilities(4 prime numbers:2,3,5,7)    //occurtimes=n/2    ans=(evenCount*oddCount)%m;    cout<<ans;}/*Sample input:1Sample output:5*//*Additional input:4Additional output:400*/


//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10#include<iostream>using namespace std;int main(){    int a,b,sum=0;    cin>>a>>b;    while(a>0) {        cout << a << ' ' << b<<endl;        if (a&1) {            sum += b;        }        a /= 2;        b *= 2;    }    cout<<sum;}/*Sample input:11 3Sample output:11 35 62 121 2433*//*Additional input:54 67Additional output:54 6727 13413 2686 5363 10721 21443618*/





//Difficulty: 5/10//Importance:10/10//TE warning!//use binary search and transformation//never simply use violent factorial(too slow)#include<iostream>#include<vector>using namespace std;bool check(long long mid, const vector<long long>& primes, const vector<long long>& powers) {    for (int i = 0; i < primes.size(); i++) {        long long cnt = 0, p = primes[i];        while (mid >= p) {            cnt += mid / p;            p *= primes[i];        }        if (cnt < powers[i]) {            return false;        }    }    return true;}int main() {    long long k;    cin >> k;    vector<long long> primes, powers;    for (long long i = 2; i * i <= k; i++) {        if (k % i == 0) {            long long cnt = 0;            while (k % i == 0) {                k /= i;                cnt++;            }            primes.push_back(i);            powers.push_back(cnt);        }    }    if (k > 1) {        primes.push_back(k);        powers.push_back(1);    }    long long left = 1, right = 1e18, ans = -1;    while (left <= right) {        long long mid = (left + right) / 2;        if (check(mid, primes, powers)) {            ans = mid;            right = mid - 1;        }        else {            left = mid + 1;        }    }    cout << ans << endl;}/*Sample input:30Sample output:5*//*Additional input:5195Additional output:1039*//*Additional input:1455Additional output:97*/


//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10#include<iostream>using namespace std;int main() {    int n, sum = 0;    cin >> n;    int m;    double a;    for (m = 1; m * m< 2 * n; ++m) {        a = (double)n / (double)m - (double)m * 0.5 + 0.5;        if (a - (int)a == 0) {            sum++;        }    }    cout << sum;}/*Sample input:9Sample output:3*//*Additional input:757Additional output:2*/






//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10#include <iostream>#include <cstring>using namespace std;int primecount(int n){    bool isprime[n+1];    int prime[n+1];    int cnt=0;    memset(isprime,true,sizeof(isprime));    isprime[1]=false;    for(int i=2;i<=n;++i){        if(isprime[i]) prime[++cnt]=i;        for(int j=1;j<=cnt && i*prime[j]<=n;++j){            isprime[i*prime[j]]=false;            if(i%prime[j]==0) break;        }    }    return cnt;}int main() {    int a,b;    cin>>a>>b;    int cnt1=primecount(a-1);    int cnt2=primecount(b);    cout<<cnt2-cnt1;}/*Sample input:10 100Sample output:21*//*Additional input:19 41455Additional output:4329*/


//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10#include <iostream>#include <vector>#include<algorithm>using namespace std;inline bool IsKeith(int N){    int tmp=N;    vector<int>sequence;    while(tmp){        sequence.push_back(tmp%10);        tmp/=10;    }    reverse(sequence.begin(),sequence.end());    int num=sequence.size()-1;    int sum = 0;    while(sum<N){        sum=0;        for(int i=num;i>=0;--i){            sum+=sequence[i];        }        sequence.erase(sequence.begin());        sequence.push_back(sum);        if(sum==N) return true;    }    return false;}int main(){    int N;    cin>>N;    if(IsKeith(N)) cout<<"Yes"<<endl;    else cout<<"No"<<endl;}/*Sample input:197Sample output:Yes*//*Additional input:891Additional output:No*/


//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10#include<iostream>#include<iomanip>using namespace std;double pow(double base,int exp=2){    double n=base;    for(;exp>1;--exp){        base*=n;    }    return base;}int main(){    double base;    int exp;    cin>>base>>exp;    cout<<fixed<<setprecision(6)<<pow(base)<<endl    <<fixed<<setprecision(6)<<pow(base,exp);}/*Sample input:1.23 5Sample output:1.5129002.815306*//*Additional input:1.01 365Additional output:1.02010037.783434*/





//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10#include<iostream>#include<cmath>#include<tuple>#include<cstring>#include<iomanip>#define pi 3.1415926/*    pay attention!!! here noj define pi as 3.1415926    instead of 3.141592654(which is more precise),    you MUST define it exactly 3.1415926!!!*/using namespace std;/*  noj is likely to pay no attention to return type "double",    so don't add ".0" after the int data in your calculation either,    even actually this is important(obviously this is his fault,    clion would even give you warnings if you don't do so,    this make me thought: is noj using a rubbish IDE?)*/double v(double r){    return 4*pi*r*r*r/3;}double v(double r,double h){    return pi*r*r*h/3;}double v(long a){    return a*a*a/1;}double v(double r,long h){    return pi*r*r*h/1;}double v(long l,long w,long h){    return l*w*h;}/*    if you are careful enough,you may fing that the     following two examples are in reverse order in     the stem and in the chart, this is also noj's mistake.*/tuple <double,double> v(double r,double R,double h){    double m=sqrt(R*R-r*r);    double v1,v2;    double h1=R+m;    v1=(pi/3.0)*(3.0*R-h1)*h1*h1;    double h2=R-m;    v2=(pi/3.0)*(3.0*R-h2)*h2*h2;    return make_tuple(v1,v2);}tuple <double,double> v(double r,double R,double h,double l){    double m=sqrt(R*R-r*r);    double v0,v1,v2;    v0=pi*r*r*l;    double h1=R+m;    v1=v0+(pi/3.0)*(3.0*R-h1)*h1*h1*2;    double h2=R-m;    v2=v0+(pi/3.0)*(3.0*R-h2)*h2*h2*2;    return make_tuple(v1,v2);}double v(long r,double R,double h){    return pi*h*(r*r+R*R+R*r)/3;}double v(double a,double b,long c){    return 4*pi*a*b*c/3;}double v(long a,long h){    return a*a*h/3;}double v(long d1,long d2,double l){    return pi*(d1*d1-d2*d2)*l/4;}int main(){    bool z[12];    memset(z, false, sizeof(z));    double s[12],six[2],seven[2];    int t;    cin>>t;    for(int i=0;i<t;++i) {        int n;        cin>>n;        z[n]=true;        if(n==1){            double r;            cin>>r;            s[n]=v(r);        }        else if(n==2){            double r,h;            cin>>r>>h;            s[n]=v(r,h);        }        else if(n==3){            long a;            cin>>a;            s[n]=v(a);        }        else if(n==4){            double r;            long h;            cin>>r>>h;            s[n]=v(r,h);        }        else if(n==5){            long l,w,h;            cin>>l>>w>>h;            s[n]=v(l,w,h);        }        else if(n==6){            double r,R,h=0,l;            cin>>r>>R>>l;            tuple <double,double>result=v(r,R,h,l);            six[0]=get<0>(result);            six[1]=get<1>(result);        }        else if(n==7){            double r,R,h=0;            cin>>r>>R;            tuple <double,double>result=v(r,R,h);            seven[0]=get<0>(result);            seven[1]=get<1>(result);        }        else if(n==8){            long r;            double R,h;            cin>>r>>R>>h;            s[n]=v(r,R,h);        }        else if(n==9){            double a,b;            long c;            cin>>a>>b>>c;            s[n]=v(a,b,c);        }        else if(n==10){            long a,h;            cin>>a>>h;            s[n]=v(a,h);        }        else if(n==11){            long d1,d2;            double l;            cin>>d1>>d2>>l;            s[n]=v(d1,d2,l);        }    }    /*        in fact,you need all you outcomes outcome together,        but not beyond my imagination,noj STILL had no description of it...    */    for(int j=1;j<=5;++j){        if(z[j]) cout<<fixed<<setprecision(6)<<s[j]<<endl;    }    if(z[6]) cout<<six[0]<<' '<<six[1]<<endl;    if(z[7]) cout<<seven[0]<<' '<<seven[1]<<endl;    for(int j=8;j<=11;++j){        if(z[j]) cout<<s[j]<<endl;    }/*    noj had no description of demand on precision,    but noj had it in fact,I'm tired from bottom heart...*/}/*Sample input:111 32 3 53 64 5 125 1 2 36 5 7 127 5 78 3 4 59 6 7 810 5 1011 12 8 6Sample output:113.09733447.123889216.000000942.4777806.0000003641.261807 1117.2037841349.392014 87.363002193.7315441407.43348583.000000376.991112*//*Additional input:111 82 7 43 94 7 115 1 5 66 5 6 137 5 98 3 5 59 6 9 810 5 1311 12 5 4Additional output:113.09733447.123889216.000000942.4777806.0000003641.261807 1117.2037841349.392014 87.363002193.7315441407.43348583.00000038390.261572*/


//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10#include <iostream>#include <cstdarg>#include <iomanip>using namespace std;double avg(int cnt,...){    va_list nums;    double sum=0;    va_start(nums,cnt);    for(int i=0;i<cnt;++i){        sum+=va_arg(nums,double);    }    va_end(nums);    double result=sum/cnt;    return result;}int main(){    double a,b,c,d,e;    cin>>a>>b>>c>>d>>e;    cout<<fixed<<setprecision(4)<<avg(2,a,b)-avg(3,c,d,e);}/*Sample input:1 2 3 4 5 6Sample output:-2.5000*//*Additional input:3 645 14 662 7Additional output:96.3333*/


//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10#include <iostream>#include <cstdarg>using namespace std;int pl(int first,...){    va_list nums;    va_start(nums,first);    int cnt=1;    while(va_arg(nums,int)){        cnt++;    }    va_end(nums);    int sum=first;    va_start(nums,first);    for(int i=1;i<cnt;++i){        sum+=va_arg(nums,int);    }    va_end(nums);    return sum;}int main(){    int a,b,c,d,e,f;    cin>>a>>b>>c>>d>>e>>f;    cout<<pl(a,b,0)-pl(c,d,e,f,0);}/*Sample input:1 2 3 4 5 6Sample output:-15*//*Additional input:123 5624 2645 167 3427 12354Additional output:-12846*/





//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10#include <iostream>using namespace std;int phiEuler(int n){    int phi[n+1],prime[n+1];    bool isSieved[n+1];    int sum = 0,cnt = 1, comp;    prime[0] = 1;    phi[1] = 1;    for (int i = 2; i < n; ++i){        if (!isSieved[i]){            prime[cnt++] = i;            phi[i] = i-1;        }        for (int j = 1; i*prime[j] <= n; ++j){            comp = i*prime[j];            isSieved[comp] = true;            if (i%prime[j] == 0){                phi[comp] = prime[j]*phi[i];                break;            } else{                phi[comp] = (prime[j]-1)*phi[i];            }        }    }    for (int i = 1; i <= n-1; ++i) {        sum += phi[i];    }    return sum;}int main() {    int n, num;    cin>>n;    num = n == 1 ? 0 : (2 * phiEuler(n) + 1);    cout<<num;}/*Sample input:4Sample output:9*//*Additional input:99Additional output:71315*/






//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10#include<iostream>using namespace std;unsigned int gcd(unsigned int a, unsigned int b){    if (b == 0) return a;    return gcd(b,a%b);}int main(){    unsigned int n,x,l;    cin>>n>>x;    l = 3*(n-gcd(n,x));    cout<<l;}/*Sample input:5 2Sample output:12*//*Additional input:5 3Additional output:12*//*Additional input:199 31Additional output:594*/


//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10#include<iostream>using namespace std;int PA(int n){    if(n==0) return 0;    else if(n==1) return 1;    return 2*PA(n-1)+PA(n-2);}int PB(int n){    int p0=0,p1=1,pn,i;    for (i=0;i<=n;++i){        if (i==0) pn=p0;        else if (i==1) pn=p1;        else{            pn=2*p1+p0;            p0=p1;            p1=pn;        }    }    return pn;}int main(){    int n;    cin>>n;    if(n&1) cout<<PA(n);    else cout<<PB(n);}/*Sample input:10Sample output:2378*//*Additional input:42Additional output:339564650*/


//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10#include<iostream>using namespace std;inline int hn(int n){    int t=n,s=0;    while (t){        s+=t%10;        t/=10;    }    if ((s == 0) || (n%s != 0)) return 0;    if (s == 1) return 1;    return n/s;}int main(){    int cnt = 0, n;    cin>>n;    if (n == 1) cnt = 1;    while ((n != 0) && (n != 1)) {        n = hn(n);        if (n) ++cnt;    }    cout<<cnt;}/*Sample input:6804Sample output:4*//*Additional input:1048Additional output:0*/






//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10//这道题用正常方法暴力判断逻辑上成立,但是肯定超时;//下面的程序做了一点优化,实测34ms(再改改细节说不定能到30ms);//修正题目:子矩阵必须是方阵(noj又错了,气死);//规定1:一个矩阵的记号为[(x1,y1),(x2,y2)],即左上角和右下角的两个值;//规定2:记号s[(x1,y1),(x2,y2)]为矩阵[(x1,y1),(x2,y2)]内所有元素的和;//翻译题目:首先对要输入的矩阵进行处理,将所有0换成-1,简化运算;//简化之后:条件(2)转化成  s[(x1,y1),(x2,y2)]-s[(x1+1,y1+1),(x2-1,y2-1)]=2(y2-y1+x2-x1) 可类比矩形周长理解;//        上面一条仅针对 行数>=3且列数>=3//简化之后:条件(3)转化成  s[(x1,y1),(x2,y2)]=-1,0,1;//注意程序里面有多个函数需要传多个相同参数,因此最好确保顺序统一;#include <iostream>using namespace std;static int arr[301][301];       //arr为转换之后的矩阵;static int preSum[301][301];    //preSum为前缀和运算后得到的矩阵;//此处两个数组要用static修饰并在main外部定义,作为全局静态参量,便于调用;void prefixSum(int n,int m) {    for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) {        for (int j = 1; j <= m; ++j) {            preSum[i][j] = arr[i][j] + preSum[i-1][j] + preSum[i][j-1] - preSum[i-1][j-1];        }    }}//prefixSum为前缀和算法,用于快速计算某个二维数列子矩阵的s[(1,1),(x2,y2)],结果存储在preSum中;int getSum(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) {    return preSum[x2][y2]-preSum[x1-1][y2]-preSum[x2][y1-1]           +preSum[x1-1][y1-1];}//getSum利用prefixSum和容斥原理得到任意的s[(x1,y1),(x2,y2)];bool isPerfectMatrix(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2){    int sum1=getSum(x1,y1,x2,y2);               //sum1用来存整个子矩阵之和,sum2用来存子矩阵内层之和;    if((x2-x1)==1||(y2-y1)==1){                 //即2x2的情况,必须单独考虑,        if(sum1==4) return true;                //因为这种情况下getSum里的参数实际上会相等,        else return false;                      //导致getSum的运算失去意义;    }    else{        int sum2=getSum(x1+1,y1+1,x2-1,y2-1);        if (sum2==-1||sum2==0||sum2==1){        //先判断简单的条件(3),优化一下;            int c=2*(y2-y1+x2-x1);            if(sum1-sum2==c) return true;       //判断条件(2);            else return false;        }        else return false;    }}int PerfectMatrixCount(int n,int m){    int cnt=0;    for(int i=1;i<=n;++i){        for(int j=1;j<=m;++j){            for(int k=1;i+k<=n&&j+k<=m;++k){    //记得开头说的子矩阵必须是方阵;                if (arr[i][k + j] == -1 || arr[k + i][j] == -1) break;                //此处为优化部分,发现扩展遍历时遇到元素为0,那么该方向的扩展均不可能为完美矩阵,                //因为扩展的最外圈总会包含这个0,至于为什么是==-1,因为矩阵转换过了;                if (isPerfectMatrix(i,j,i+k,j+k)) {                    ++cnt;                }            }        }    }    return cnt;}int main(){    int n,m;    cin>>n>>m;    for(int i=1;i<=n;++i){        for(int j=1;j<=m;++j){            int tmp;            cin>>tmp;            if (tmp==1) arr[i][j]=1;            else arr[i][j]=-1;      //此处完成0-1矩阵到(-1)-1矩阵的转换;        }    }    prefixSum(n,m);    if(n<2||m<2) cout<<0;           //其实多余,但是为了完整,还是放在这边;    else cout<<PerfectMatrixCount(n,m);}/*Sample input:4 41 1 1 11 0 1 11 1 0 11 1 1 1Sample output:3*//*Additional input:5 51 0 1 0 11 1 0 1 11 1 1 1 10 1 1 0 01 0 1 1 1Additional output:3*/





//Difficulty:??/10//Importance: 0/10//1st none AC you meet#include <iostream>#include <cmath>using namespace std;double calculateSpeed(double temperature, double pressure, int elevation, int runway, int weight, int flaps, int wet) {    // 检查输入是否在有效范围内    if (flaps != 1 && flaps != 5 && flaps != 15) {        return -1;    }    if (weight < 41413 || weight > 65000 || runway <= 6900) {        return -1;    }    // 计算温度档和气压档    int tempRange = floor(temperature / 10);    int pressureRange = ceil(pressure);    // 检查操纵参考表是否存在    if (tempRange < 0 || tempRange > 7 || pressureRange < 0 || pressureRange > 9) {        return -1;    }    // 根据温度档和气压档查找操纵参考值    char referenceTable[8][10] = {            {'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'J', 'K'},            {'L', 'M', 'N', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V'},            {'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'},            {'G', 'H', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'P', 'Q', 'R'},            {'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'A', 'B'},            {'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M'},            {'N', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X'},            {'Y', 'Z', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H'}    };    char reference = referenceTable[tempRange][pressureRange];    // 检查操纵参考表是否存在V1、Vr和V2    if (reference != 'A' && reference != 'B' && reference != 'C' && reference != 'D' && reference != 'E') {        return -1;    }    // 根据襟翼位置、起飞重量和操纵参考值查找V1、Vr和V2    int speedTable[3][5] = {            {117, 126, 134, 142, 151},            {122, 131, 139, 147, 156},            {127, 136, 145, 153, 162}    };    int speedIndex = (flaps - 1) / 7;    int* speedRow = speedTable[speedIndex];    int v1 = speedRow[weight / 13000];    int vr = speedRow[weight / 13000] + 11;    int v2 = speedRow[weight / 13000] + 18;    // 如果是湿跑道,根据跑道长度和襟翼位置查找折扣值    if (wet == 1) {        int discountTable[3][3] = {                {0, 0, 0},                {0, 0, 0},                {0, 0, 0}        };        int discountIndex = (flaps - 1) / 7;        int* discountRow = discountTable[discountIndex];        int discount = discountRow[runway / 1000];        v1 -= discount;    }    printf("V1=%dkts Vr=%dkts V2=%dkts\n", v1, vr, v2);    return 0;}int main() {    double temperature, pressure;    int elevation, runway, weight, flaps, wet;    cin>>temperature>>pressure>>elevation>>runway>>weight>>flaps>>wet;    int result = calculateSpeed(temperature, pressure, elevation, runway, weight, flaps, wet);    if (result == -1) {        cout<<"Flight not possible!\n";    }    return 0;}/*Sample input:23,8 28.67 1200 7250 52600 5 1Sample output:V1=128kts Vr=139kts V2=146kts*//*Additional input:NULLAdditional output:NULL*/


//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10#include <iostream>#define MAXSIZE 10using namespace std;void swap(double arr[MAXSIZE][MAXSIZE], int r1, int r2, int n) {    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {        double temp = arr[r1][i];        arr[r1][i] = arr[r2][i];        arr[r2][i] = temp;    }}double calDet(double arr[MAXSIZE][MAXSIZE], int n) {    int i, j, k;    double det = 1.0;    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {        if (arr[i][i] == 0.0) {            for (j = i + 1; j < n; j++) {                if (arr[j][i] != 0.0) {                    swap(arr, i, j, n);                    det *= -1.0;                    break;                }            }        }        if (arr[i][i] == 0.0) {            return 0.0;        }        double v = arr[i][i];        det *= v;        for (j = i; j < n; j++) {            arr[i][j] /= v;        }        for (j = i + 1; j < n; j++) {            double e = arr[j][i];            for (k = i; k < n; k++) {                arr[j][k] -= e * arr[i][k];            }        }    }    return det;}int main() {    int n;    cin>>n;    double arr[MAXSIZE][MAXSIZE];    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {        for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {            cin>>arr[i][j];        }    }    double det = calDet(arr, n);    cout<<det;    return 0;}/*Sample input:32 6 31 0 25 8 4Sample output:28*//*Additional input:38 91 14 15 1561 237 16Additional output:50954*/


//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10#include <iostream>using namespace std;int main () {    int raw, col, n, num = 0;    cin>>raw>>col;    for (int i = 0; i < raw; ++i) {        for (int j = 0; j < col; ++j) {            cin>>n;            if (n) ++num;        }    }    double ratio = (double)num / (raw * col);    if (num == raw || num == col || (ratio - 0.05) <= 1e-9)        cout<<"Yes"<<endl;    else cout<<"No"<<endl;    return 0;}/*Sample input:4 45 0 0 00 8 0 00 0 3 00 6 0 0Sample output:Yes*//*Additional input:4 45 5 0 00 1 0 00 0 3 00 6 0 2Additional output:No*/


//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10#include <iostream>using namespace std;void pass(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e) {    bool flag = false;    if (a <= e && (b + c) <= d) flag = true;    if (b <= e && (a + c) <= d) flag = true;    if (c <= e && (a + b) <= d) flag = true;    if (flag) cout<<"YES"<<endl;    else cout<<"NO"<<endl;}int main() {    int n, a, b, c, d, e;    cin>>n;    while (n--){        cin>>a>>b>>c>>d>>e;        pass(a, b, c, d, e);    }    return 0;}/*Sample input:31 1 1 15 58 7 6 15 58 5 7 15 6Sample output:YESNOYES*//*Additional input:31 4 5 5 1615 51 16 15 1515 61 16 16 16Additional output:YESNONO*/





//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10#include <iostream>using namespace std;int main() {    int l3s2[4] = {0, 5, 3, 1};    int n, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, s2, s1;    while (1) {        cin>>x1>>x2>>x3>>x4>>x5>>x6;        if ((x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6) == 0) break;        n = (x3 + 3) / 4 + x4 + x5 + x6;        s2 = 5 * x4 + l3s2[x3 % 4];        if (x2 > s2) n += (x2 - s2 + 8) / 9;        s1 = 36 * n - 36 * x6 - 25 * x5 - 16 * x4 - 9 * x3 - 4 * x2;        if (x1 > s1) n += (x1 - s1 + 35) / 36;        cout<<n<<endl;    }    return 0;}/*Sample input:1 1 1 1 1 12 2 2 2 2 21 2 3 4 5 60 0 0 0 0 0Sample output:4716*//*Additional input:1 5 6 2 1 61 6 7 1 2 71 2 7 19 8 60 0 0 0 0 0Additional output:111235*/




//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10#include <iostream>using namespace std;int dec0[10] , kSys[32] ;bool isPalindrome(int arr[], int cnt){    int head = 0, tail = cnt - 1;    while (head < tail) {        if (arr[head] != arr[tail]) return false;        ++head, --tail;    }    return true;}bool isBiPalindrome(int n, int k){    int tmp = n, cnt = 0;    while (tmp) {        dec0[cnt++] = tmp % 10;        tmp /= 10;    }    if (!isPalindrome(dec0, cnt)) return false;    tmp = n, cnt = 0;    while (tmp) {        kSys[cnt++] = tmp % k;        tmp /= k;    }    if (!isPalindrome(kSys, cnt)) return false;    return true;}int main() {    int n, k, sum = 0;    cin>>n>>k;    for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) {        if (isBiPalindrome(i, k)) sum += i;    }    cout<<sum;    return 0;}/*Sample input:100 2Sample output:157*//*Additional input:1000 3Additional output:2638*/


//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10#include <iostream>#include <cmath>#include <cstdlib>using namespace std;double func1(double x) {    return pow(x, 4) * exp(-x);}double func2(double x) {    return x * x + 1;}double func3(double x) {    return cos(x);}double func4(double x) {    return sqrt(x) * (x - 2);}double func5(double x) {    return 2 * sin(x) - 5 * cos(x);}double func(int m, double x) {    switch (m) {        case 1: return func1(x);        case 2: return func2(x);        case 3: return func3(x);        case 4: return func4(x);        case 5: return func5(x);        default: return 0;    }}double mtk(int m, double a, double b, int n) {    srand(RAND_MAX);    double w = b - a, sum = 0;    for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i) {        double x = ((double)rand() / RAND_MAX) * w + a;        sum += func(m, x);    }    sum *= w / n;    return sum;}int main() {    int m, n;    double a, b;    cin>>m>>a>>b>>n;    printf("%.6lf", mtk(m, a, b, n));    return 0;}/*Sample input:1 1 5 2000Sample output:13.317870*//*Additional input:3 8 7 1292Additional output:-0.331019*/




//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10#include <iostream>using namespace std;double nAvg(double arr[], int n) {    double sum = 0;    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {        sum += arr[i];    }    return sum / n;}int main() {    int n;    cin>>n;    double x[n], y[n];    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {        cin>>x[i]>>y[i];    }    double xBar = nAvg(x, n), yBar = nAvg(y, n);    double sumUp = 0, sumDown = 0;    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {        sumUp += (x[i] - xBar) * (y[i] - yBar);    }    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {        sumDown += (x[i] - xBar) * (x[i] - xBar);    }    double b = sumUp / sumDown;    double a = yBar - b * xBar;    printf("Y=%.4lf+%.4lf*X",a,b);    return 0;}/*Sample input:7150 6450200 7450250 8445300 9450350 11450400 15450600 18450Sample output:Y=1770.2394+28.7793*X*//*Additional input:51 12 23 34 45 5Additional output:Y=0.0000+1.0000*X*/





//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10#include<iostream>using namespace std;#define NUM (int)1e7+1static bool isSieved[NUM];static int prime[NUM];int main() {    int n, k = 0;    cin>>n;    isSieved[1] = true;    for (int i = 2; i <= n; ++i) {        if (!isSieved[i]) prime[++k] = i;        for (int j = 1; prime[j] * i <= n; ++j) {            isSieved[prime[j] * i] = true;            if (i % prime[j] == 0) break;        }    }    cout<<k;}/*Sample input:100Sample output:25*//*Additional input:1590Additional output:250*/






        str.substr();         str.find();         str.erase();         str.find();        str.append();

        str.size();            str.length();      str.insery();        str.compare();  str.replace();

        atoi();                  stoi();               tolower();           toupper();      ......

//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10#include <iostream>#include <vector>using namespace std;vector<string> split(string str, string pattern){    string::size_type pos;    vector<string> result;    str += pattern;    int size = str.size();    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)    {        pos = str.find(pattern, i);        if (pos < size)        {            string s = str.substr(i, pos - i);            result.push_back(s);            i = pos + pattern.size() - 1;        }    }    return result;}int main(){    string str;    getline(cin,str);    string pattern;    getline(cin,pattern);    vector<string> result=split(str,pattern);    for(int i=0; i<result.size(); i++)    {        cout<<result[i]<<endl;    }    return 0;}/*Sample input:www.nwpu.edu.cn.Sample output:wwwnwpueducn*//*Additional input:https://www.bh3.com/.Additional output:https://wwwbh3com/*/

052.Kids A+B



//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10#include <iostream>#include <map>#include <vector>using namespace std;vector<string> split(string str, string pattern){    string::size_type pos;    vector<string> result;    str += pattern;    int size = str.size();    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)    {        pos = str.find(pattern, i);        if (pos < size)        {            string s = str.substr(i, pos - i);            result.push_back(s);            i = pos + pattern.size() - 1;        }    }    return result;}int stringToInt(vector<string> str){    map<string, int> stringToIntMap;    //个位映射    stringToIntMap["zero"] = 0;    stringToIntMap["one"] = 1;    stringToIntMap["two"] = 2;    stringToIntMap["three"] = 3;    stringToIntMap["four"] = 4;    stringToIntMap["five"] = 5;    stringToIntMap["six"] = 6;    stringToIntMap["seven"] = 7;    stringToIntMap["eight"] = 8;    stringToIntMap["nine"] = 9;    //十位映射    stringToIntMap["twenty"] = 20;    stringToIntMap["thirty"] = 30;    stringToIntMap["forty"] = 40;    stringToIntMap["fifty"] = 50;    stringToIntMap["sixty"] = 60;    stringToIntMap["seventy"] = 70;    stringToIntMap["eighty"] = 80;    stringToIntMap["ninety"] = 90;    //特殊映射(其实包含十位映射)    stringToIntMap["ten"] = 10;    stringToIntMap["eleven"] = 11;    stringToIntMap["twelve"] = 12;    stringToIntMap["thirteen"] = 13;    stringToIntMap["fourteen"] = 14;    stringToIntMap["fifteen"] = 15;    stringToIntMap["sixteen"] = 16;    stringToIntMap["seventeen"] = 17;    stringToIntMap["eighteen"] = 18;    stringToIntMap["nineteen"] = 19;    //使用映射    int result=0;    if(str.size()==1){        result=stringToIntMap[str[0]];    }    if(str.size()==2){        result=stringToIntMap[str[0]]+stringToIntMap[str[1]];    }    return result;}int intNumWidth(int x){    string str = to_string(x);    return str.size();}string intToString(int num){    // 肯定有好的方法,但是下面的map可以直接让ai生成,也不费时间    map<int,string> intToStringMap;    intToStringMap[0] = "zero";    intToStringMap[1] = "one";    intToStringMap[2] = "two";    intToStringMap[3] = "three";    intToStringMap[4] = "four";    intToStringMap[5] = "five";    intToStringMap[6] = "six";    intToStringMap[7] = "seven";    intToStringMap[8] = "eight";    intToStringMap[9] = "nine";    intToStringMap[10] = "ten";    intToStringMap[11] = "eleven";    intToStringMap[12] = "twelve";    intToStringMap[13] = "thirteen";    intToStringMap[14] = "fourteen";    intToStringMap[15] = "fifteen";    intToStringMap[16] = "sixteen";    intToStringMap[17] = "seventeen";    intToStringMap[18] = "eighteen";    intToStringMap[19] = "nineteen";    intToStringMap[20] = "twenty";    intToStringMap[21] = "twenty-one";    intToStringMap[22] = "twenty-two";    intToStringMap[23] = "twenty-three";    intToStringMap[24] = "twenty-four";    intToStringMap[25] = "twenty-five";    intToStringMap[26] = "twenty-six";    intToStringMap[27] = "twenty-seven";    intToStringMap[28] = "twenty-eight";    intToStringMap[29] = "twenty-nine";    intToStringMap[30] = "thirty";    intToStringMap[31] = "thirty-one";    intToStringMap[32] = "thirty-two";    intToStringMap[33] = "thirty-three";    intToStringMap[34] = "thirty-four";    intToStringMap[35] = "thirty-five";    intToStringMap[36] = "thirty-six";    intToStringMap[37] = "thirty-seven";    intToStringMap[38] = "thirty-eight";    intToStringMap[39] = "thirty-nine";    intToStringMap[40] = "forty";    intToStringMap[41] = "forty-one";    intToStringMap[42] = "forty-two";    intToStringMap[43] = "forty-three";    intToStringMap[44] = "forty-four";    intToStringMap[45] = "forty-five";    intToStringMap[46] = "forty-six";    intToStringMap[47] = "forty-seven";    intToStringMap[48] = "forty-eight";    intToStringMap[49] = "forty-nine";    intToStringMap[50] = "fifty";    intToStringMap[51] = "fifty-one";    intToStringMap[52] = "fifty-two";    intToStringMap[53] = "fifty-three";    intToStringMap[54] = "fifty-four";    intToStringMap[55] = "fifty-five";    intToStringMap[56] = "fifty-six";    intToStringMap[57] = "fifty-seven";    intToStringMap[58] = "fifty-eight";    intToStringMap[59] = "fifty-nine";    intToStringMap[60] = "sixty";    intToStringMap[61] = "sixty-one";    intToStringMap[62] = "sixty-two";    intToStringMap[63] = "sixty-three";    intToStringMap[64] = "sixty-four";    intToStringMap[65] = "sixty-five";    intToStringMap[66] = "sixty-six";    intToStringMap[67] = "sixty-seven";    intToStringMap[68] = "sixty-eight";    intToStringMap[69] = "sixty-nine";    intToStringMap[70] = "seventy";    intToStringMap[71] = "seventy-one";    intToStringMap[72] = "seventy-two";    intToStringMap[73] = "seventy-three";    intToStringMap[74] = "seventy-four";    intToStringMap[75] = "seventy-five";    intToStringMap[76] = "seventy-six";    intToStringMap[77] = "seventy-seven";    intToStringMap[78] = "seventy-eight";    intToStringMap[79] = "seventy-nine";    intToStringMap[80] = "eighty";    intToStringMap[81] = "eighty-one";    intToStringMap[82] = "eighty-two";    intToStringMap[83] = "eighty-three";    intToStringMap[84] = "eighty-four";    intToStringMap[85] = "eighty-five";    intToStringMap[86] = "eighty-six";    intToStringMap[87] = "eighty-seven";    intToStringMap[88] = "eighty-eight";    intToStringMap[89] = "eighty-nine";    intToStringMap[90] = "ninety";    intToStringMap[91] = "ninety-one";    intToStringMap[92] = "ninety-two";    intToStringMap[93] = "ninety-three";    intToStringMap[94] = "ninety-four";    intToStringMap[95] = "ninety-five";    intToStringMap[96] = "ninety-six";    intToStringMap[97] = "ninety-seven";    intToStringMap[98] = "ninety-eight";    intToStringMap[99] = "ninety-nine";    return intToStringMap[num];}int main() {    string num1,num2;    cin>>num1>>num2;    vector<string> str1=split(num1,"-");    vector<string> str2=split(num2,"-");    int ans=0;    ans=stringToInt(str1)+stringToInt(str2);    cout<<intToString(ans);    return 0;}/*Sample input:twenty-seven fifty-fourSample output:eighty-one*//*Additional input:zero zeroAdditional output:zero*/





//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10#include <iostream>using namespace std;string removePre(string input, const string& std) {    int pos = 0;    for (auto it = input.begin(); it != input.end(); ++it) {        if (std.find(*it) != string::npos) ++pos;        else break;    }    if (pos) input.erase(0, pos);    return input;}string removeSuf(string input, const string& std) {    int pos = 0;    for (auto it = input.rbegin(); it != input.rend(); ++it) {        if (std.find(*it) != string::npos) ++pos;        else break;    }    if (pos) input.erase(input.size()-pos, pos);    return input;}int main() {    string input,std;    getline(cin,input);    getline(cin,std);    cout<<removePre(input,std)<<endl<<removeSuf(input,std)<<endl<<removeSuf(removePre(input,std),std);    return 0;}/*Sample input:www.example.comcmowz.Sample output:example.comwww.exampleexample*//*Additional input:https://www.bh3.com/pthsocm/:w.Additional output:bh3.com/https://www.bh3bh3*/




//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10#include <iostream>using namespace std;string removePre(string input, const string& std) {    int base=0;    for (auto it = input.begin(); it != input.end(); ) {        if (input.substr(distance(input.begin(), it),std.size())== std){            ++base;            it+=std.size();        }        else break;    }    int pos=std.size()*base;    if (base) input.erase(0, pos);    return input;}string removeSuf(string input, const string& std) {    int base=0;    for (auto it = input.rbegin(); it != input.rend(); ) {        if (input.substr(distance(input.rbegin(), it),std.size()) == std){            ++base;            it+=std.size();        }        else break;    }    int pos=std.size()*base;    if (base) input.erase(input.size()-pos, pos);    return input;}int main() {    string input,std;    getline(cin,input);    getline(cin,std);    cout<<removePre(input,std)<<endl<<removeSuf(input,std);    return 0;}/*Sample input:antiantianwartiantiantiantiSample output:anwartiantiantiantiantianwarti*//*Additional input:yuanshenyuanshenyuanshengyuanshenshenshenyuanAdditional output:shenyuanshenyuanshengyuanshenshenshenyuanshenyuanshenyuanshengyuanshenshen*/


//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10#include <iostream>#include <climits>using namespace std;int ATOI(string str) {    auto it = str.begin();    int sgn = 1;    long long tmp = 0;    if (*it == '+') ++it;    else if (*it == '-') sgn = -1, ++it;    while (it != str.end()) {        if (*it == ' ') ;        else if ('0' <= *it && *it <= '9') {            tmp = (*it - '0') + tmp * 10;            if ((tmp * sgn) >= INT_MAX) return INT_MAX;            else if ((tmp * sgn) <= INT_MIN) return INT_MIN;        }        else break;        ++it;    }    return tmp * sgn;}int main() {    string str;    cin>>str;    cout<<ATOI(str);    return 0;}/*Sample input:-123x+123Sample output:-123*//*Additional input:00519Additional output:519*/






        上面的就够用了,实在不行直接cout<<(int)(char); 让编译器告诉你;



//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10#include <iostream>#include <string>using namespace std;string trans(string str){    for(int i=0;i<str.size();++i){        if(str[i]>64&&str[i]<91){            str[i]+=32;        }        else if(str[i]>96&&str[i]<123){            str[i]-=32;        }    }    return str;}int main() {    string str;    getline(cin,str);    cout<<trans(str);}/*Sample input:Hello worldSample output:hELLO WORLD*//*Additional input:eLYSIA tRUeAdditional output:Elysia TruE*/






//Difficulty: 3/10//Importance: 3/10//2nd none AC you meet#include <iostream>#include <string>using namespace std;void subreplace(string &str,string olds,string news){    size_t pos=0;    while((pos=str.find(olds))!=string::npos){        str.replace(pos,olds.length(),news);    }}int main() {    string str,olds,news;    getline(cin,str);    getline(cin,olds);    getline(cin,news);    subreplace(str,olds,news);    cout<<str;}/*Sample input:xxforxx xx for xxxxnwpuSample output:nwpufornwpu nwpu for nwpu*//*Additional input:xx for xx is xxxxGenshin ImpactAdditional output:Genshin Impact for Genshin Impact is Genshin Impact*/





//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10#include <iostream>#include <string>using namespace std;int len;string string_slice(string str, int start,int stop,int step){    string res;    if (stop < 0) stop += len;    if (start < 0) start += len;    if(start>stop&&step<0){        for (int i = start; i >stop; i+=step) {            res += str[i];        }        return res;    }    if(start<=stop&&step>0){        for (int i = start; i<stop; i+=step) {            res += str[i];        }        return res;    }}int main() {    string str;    getline(cin,str);    len=str.size();    int T;    cin>>T;    for(int i=0;i<T;++i){        int n,a,b,c;        cin>>n;        switch (n) {            case 1:                cin>>a;                cout<<string_slice(str,a,len,1)<<endl;break;            case 2:                cin>>a>>b;                cout<<string_slice(str,a,b,1)<<endl;break;            case 3:                cin>>a>>b>>c;                cout<<string_slice(str,a,b,c)<<endl;break;        }    }}/*Sample input:ABCDEFGHI82 2 72 -7 -22 2 -53 2 7 23 6 1 -22 0 31 63 -1 -10 -1Sample output:CDEFGCDEFGCDCEGGECABCGHIIHGFEDCBA*//*Additional input:NULLAdditional output:NULL*/






//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10#include <iostream>#include <cstring>using namespace std;const static char decToMeta[37] = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";static char c[100] = "", a[100] = "", b[100] = "";static int C[100] = {0}, A[100] = {0}, B[100] = {0};int metaToDec(char m) {    if ('0' <= m && m <= '9') return m - '0';    return m - 'A' + 10;}void add(void) {    int lenA = strlen(a), lenB = strlen(b);    for (int i = 0; i < lenA; ++i) A[i] = metaToDec(a[lenA - i - 1]);    for (int i = 0; i < lenB; ++i) B[i] = metaToDec(b[lenB - i - 1]);    int carry = 0;    int lenC = lenA > lenB ? lenA : lenB;    for (int i = 0; i < lenC; ++i) {        C[i] = A[i] + B[i] + carry;        carry = C[i] / 36;        C[i] %= 36;    }    if (carry != 0) {        C[lenC] = carry;        ++lenC;    }    for (int i = lenC - 1; i >= 0; --i) c[i] = decToMeta[C[lenC - i - 1]];    c[lenC] = '\0';}int main() {    cin>>a>>b;    add();    cout<<c;    return 0;}/*Sample input:ZZ 321Sample output:420*//*Additional input:ac 42Additional output:1BA*/


//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10#include <iostream>using namespace std;bool findSuf(string input, const string& std) {    int pos = 0;    if(input.substr(input.size()-std.size(),std.size()) == std) return true;    return false;}int main(){    string input,std;    getline(cin,input);    getline(cin,std);    if (findSuf(input,std)) cout<<"Yes";    else cout<<"No";}/*Sample input:hello world!world!Sample output:Yes*//*Additional input:Genshin Impact! Impact!Additional output:Yes*/





//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10#include <iostream>using namespace std;int main() {    long long n;    cin>>n;    long long cnt = 1;    for (long long i = n + 2; i <= 2 * n; ++i) cnt *= i;    for (long long i = 1; i <= n; ++i) cnt /= i;    cout<<cnt;    return 0;}/*Sample input:6Sample output:132*//*Additional input:14Additional output:2674440*/




//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10#include <iostream>using namespace std;void displayDNA1(){    cout<<"   AT   \n";    cout<<"  T--A  \n";    cout<<" A----T \n";    cout<<"T------A\n";    cout<<"T------A\n";    cout<<" G----C \n";    cout<<"  T--A  \n";    cout<<"   GC   \n";}void displayDNA2(){    cout<<"   CG   \n";    cout<<"  C--G  \n";    cout<<" A----T \n";    cout<<"A------T\n";    cout<<"T------A\n";    cout<<" A----T \n";    cout<<"  A--T  \n";    cout<<"   GC   \n";}void displayDNA3(){    cout<<"   AT   \n";    cout<<"  C--G  \n";    cout<<" T----A \n";    cout<<"C------G\n";    cout<<"C------G\n";    cout<<" T----A \n";    cout<<"  G--C  \n";    cout<<"   AT   \n";}int main() {    int n;    cin>>n;    for (int i = 1; i <= n/2; ++i) {        if (i % 3 == 1) displayDNA1();        else if (i % 3 == 2) displayDNA2();        else displayDNA3();    }    return 0;}/*Sample input:8Sample output:   AT  T--A A----TT------AT------A G----C  T--A   GC   CG  C--G A----TA------TT------A A----T  A--T   GC   AT  C--G T----AC------GC------G T----A  G--C   AT   AT  T--A A----TT------AT------A G----C  T--A   GC*//*Additional input:2Additional output:   AT  T--A A----TT------AT------A G----C  T--A   GC*/




2.光这逆天Sample input,要是没有OCR,我得打到天荒地老;

//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10#include <iostream>#include <string>using namespace std;string out[100];int k=0;int check(string str){    int i,result;    for(result=str[1],i=2;str[i]!='*';i++)    {        result^=str[i];    }    return result;}int convert(string str){    int res=0;    res=stoi(str,0,16);    return res;}void convert_BeingTime(string utcTime){    int  hour=stoi(utcTime.substr(0,2));    int  B_hour=(hour+8)%24;    if(B_hour/10==0)        out[k++]="0"+to_string(B_hour)+":"+utcTime.substr(2,2)+":"+utcTime.substr(4,2);    else        out[k++]=to_string(B_hour)+":"+utcTime.substr(2,2)+":"+utcTime.substr(4,2);}int main(){    string str;    while(cin>>str){        if(str=="END") break;        if(str.compare(0,6,"$GPRMC")==0){            size_t asteriskPos = str.find('*');            if(asteriskPos!=string::npos){                int checksum=check(str);                int senchecksum=convert(str.substr(asteriskPos + 1, 2));                if(checksum!=senchecksum) {                    out[k++]="error";                }                else{                    string utcTime = str.substr(7, 6);                    convert_BeingTime(utcTime);                }            }        }    }    for(int i=0;i<k;i++){        cout<<out[i]<<endl;    }}/*Sample input:$GPRMC,024813.640,A,3158.4608,N,11848.3737,E,10.05 ,324.27,150706,,,A*50$GPGSV,3,1,11,10,63,137,17,07,61,098,15,05,59,290,20,08,54,157,30*70$GPRMC,194548.127,A,5230.657,N,01325.713,E,3968.7,122.8,200220,000.0,W*44$GPGGA,092750.000,5321.6802,N,00630.3372,W,1,8,1.03,61.7,M,55.2,M,,*76$GPRMC,111724.681,A,5231.801,N,01329.267,E,1289.3,000.0,291123,000.0,W*48$GNVTG,112.99,T,109.99,M,0.15,N,0.08,K,A*3BENDSample output:10:48:13error19:17:24*//*Additional input:NULLAdditional output:NULL*/








//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10#include <iostream>using namespace std;void swap(int *a, int *b) {    int tmp = *a;    *a = *b, *b = tmp;}void CycleSort(int arr[], int n) {    for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; ++i) {        int item = arr[i], pos = i;        for (int j = i + 1; j < n; ++j) if (arr[j] < item) ++pos;        if (pos == i) continue;        swap(&arr[pos], &item);        while(pos != i) {            pos = i;            for (int j = i + 1; j < n; ++j) if (arr[j] < item) ++pos;            while (item == arr[pos]) ++pos;            swap(&arr[pos], &item);        }    }}int main() {    int n;    cin>>n;    int arr[n];    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) cin>>arr[i];    CycleSort(arr, n);    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) cout<<arr[i]<<' ';    return 0;}/*Sample input:81 8 3 9 10 10 2 4Sample output:1 2 3 4 8 9 10 10*//*Additional input:101 1 1 1 2 6 2 6 2 7Additional output:1 1 1 1 2 2 2 6 6 7*/





//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10//version 1:simple combination//but noj doesn't fully support cmath(seemly), so it's WA//of course you can write functions to fully replace cmath to ensure AC#include <iostream>#include <cmath>using namespace std;int combination(int n, int k) {    if (k > n) {        return 0;    }    return tgamma(n + 1) / (tgamma(k + 1) * tgamma(n - k + 1));}int ways(int bx,int by,int px, int py){    bx-=1;by-=1;px-=1;py-=1;    if(bx>=px&&by>=py){        int nx=bx-px,ny=by-py;        return combination(bx+by,bx<by?bx:by)-combination(px+py,px<py?px:py)* combination(nx+ny,nx<ny?nx:ny);    }    else return combination(bx+by,bx<by?bx:by);}int main() {    int bx,by,px,py,cnt=0;    while (1) {        cin.sync();        cin>>bx>>by>>px>>py;        if (bx <= 0 || by <= 0 || px <= 0 || py <= 0) break;        cnt=ways(bx,by,px,py);        cout<<cnt<<endl;    }}//version 2:DFS#include <iostream>using namespace std;int bx, by, px, py, cnt;void dfs(int x, int y) {    if ((x == px && y == py) || x > bx || y > by) return;    if (x == bx && y == by) {        ++cnt;        return;    }    dfs(x + 1, y);    dfs(x, y + 1);}int main() {    while (1) {        fflush(stdin);        cin>>bx>>by>>px>>py;        if (bx <= 0 || by <= 0 || px <= 0 || py <= 0) break;        cnt = 0;        dfs(1, 1);        cout<<cnt<<endl;    }    return 0;}/*Sample input:8 6 5 38 6 8 68 6 9 60 0 0 0Sample output:4920792*//*Additional input:8 5 6 11 6 1 61 6 3 70 0 0 0Additional output:31501*/






//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10#include <iostream>#include <ctime>#include <iomanip>using namespace std;int main(){    tm begin = {0}, end = {0};    cin >> end.tm_year >> end.tm_mon >> end.tm_mday;    cin >> begin.tm_year >> begin.tm_mon >> begin.tm_mday;    begin.tm_year -= 1900;    begin.tm_mon -= 1;    end.tm_year -= 1900;    end.tm_mon -= 1;    time_t tmBegin =  mktime(&begin);    time_t tmEnd = mktime(&end);    double difference = difftime(tmEnd, tmBegin);    cout << fixed<<setprecision(6)<<difference << endl;    return 0;}/*Sample input:2021 1 22021 1 1Sample output:86400.000000*//*Additional input:2024 1 12024 1 2Additional output:-86400.000000*/


//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10#include <iostream>using namespace std;static const int digit[10] = {6, 2, 5, 5, 4, 5, 6, 3, 7, 6};int getUnit(int num) {    int cnt = 0;    do {        cnt += digit[num % 10];        num /= 10;    } while (num);    return cnt;}int main() {    int n;    cin>>n;    n -= 4;    if (n <= 0) cout<<0;    else {        int cnt = 0;        for (int i = 0; i <= 1111; ++i) {            for (int j = 0; j <= 1111; ++j) {                if (getUnit(i) + getUnit(j) + getUnit(i + j) == n) ++cnt;            }        }        cout<<cnt;    }    return 0;}/*Sample input:14Sample output:2*//*Additional input:23Additional output:88*/


//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10#include <iostream>using namespace std;static int freq[26] = {0};int main() {    char plain[8000] = "";    int x;    cin>>plain>>x;    for (int i = 0; plain[i]; ++i) ++freq[plain[i] - 'a'];    char cipher[8000] = "";    for (int i = 0; plain[i]; ++i) {        if (freq[plain[i] - 'a'] & 1)            cipher[i] = (char) (((plain[i] - 'a' - x) % 26 + 26) % 26 + 'a');        else            cipher[i] = (char) ((plain[i] - 'a' + x) % 26 + 'a');    }    cout<<cipher;    return 0;}/*Sample input:abcda3Sample output:dyzad*//*Additional input:fdmrghm1Additional output:ecnqfgn*/



1.你别说,你还真别说,这Sample output 也忒长了吧;

//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10#include <iostream>using namespace std;struct PIDData {    double Kp, Ki, Kd;    double preError, integral;} ;double PIDCalculate(PIDData *pid, double setPoint, double measuredValue) {    double error = setPoint - measuredValue;    pid->integral += error;    double differential = error - pid->preError;    double output = pid->Kp * error + pid->Ki * pid->integral + pid->Kd * differential;    pid->preError = error;    return output;}int main() {    double setPoint, measuredValue;    int time;    PIDData pid = {0};    cin>>pid.Kp>>pid.Ki>>pid.Kd;    cin>>setPoint>>measuredValue>>time;    for (int i = 1; i <= time; ++i) {        double output = PIDCalculate(&pid, setPoint, measuredValue);        measuredValue += output;        printf("%d %.6lf\n", i, measuredValue);    }    return 0;}/*Sample input:0.1 0.01 0.05100 0100Sample output:1 16.0000002 25.4400003 35.0096004 44.2656645 53.1691426 61.6682107 69.7209098 77.2934489 84.35980710 90.90124011 96.90576412 102.36762413 107.28675414 111.66824115 115.52177816 118.86114217 121.70366618 124.06974419 125.98233820 127.46652421 128.54904622 129.25790923 129.62198924 129.67068125 129.43356626 128.94011727 128.21942928 127.29997729 126.20940930 124.97435931 123.62029532 122.17138533 120.65039534 119.07860335 117.47574536 115.85996837 114.24781638 112.65421939 111.09251240 109.57445641 108.11027842 106.70872243 105.37710344 104.12137845 102.94621746 101.85508147 100.85030748 99.93319049 99.10406950 98.36242051 97.70693852 97.13562753 96.64588254 96.23457455 95.89812956 95.63260557 95.43376158 95.29712959 95.21807960 95.19187461 95.21372962 95.27885763 95.38252164 95.52006665 95.68696266 95.87883267 96.09147768 96.32090469 96.56334170 96.81524971 97.07334172 97.33458273 97.59619474 97.85566575 98.11074076 98.35941977 98.59995678 98.83084779 99.05082380 99.25883881 99.45406282 99.63586283 99.80379584 99.95759085 100.09713686 100.22246987 100.33375488 100.43127689 100.51542190 100.58666791 100.64556692 100.69273693 100.72884994 100.75461595 100.77077596 100.77809297 100.77733998 100.76929199 100.754719100 100.734384*//*Additional input:NULLAdditional output:NULL*/





//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10#include <iostream>using namespace std;int terSearch(int arr[], int n, int k) {    int left = 0, right = n - 1, mid1 = (n - 1) / 3, mid2 = n - mid1;    while(mid1 != mid2) {        if (k > arr[right] || k < arr[left]) return -1;        if (k == arr[mid1]) return mid1;        if (k == arr[mid2]) return mid2;        if (mid1 == mid2) break;        if (k < arr[mid1]) right = mid1 - 1;        else if (k > arr[mid2]) left = mid2 + 1;        else left = mid1 + 1, right = mid2 - 1;        mid1 = left + (right - left) / 3, mid2 = right - (right - left) / 3;    }    return -1;}int main() {    int n, k;    cin>>n;    int arr[n];    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) cin>>arr[i];    cin>>k;    printf("%d in [%d]", k, terSearch(arr, n, k));    return 0;}/*Sample input:101 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 105Sample output:5 in [4]*//*Additional input:1011 16 18 19 21 34 53 55 69 7055Additional output:55 in [7]*/





//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10#include <iostream>#include <vector>#include <iomanip>using namespace std;int main() {    vector<int> arr;    int tmp;    int cnt=0;    int count[100]={0};    cin>>tmp;    while(tmp>=0) {        arr.push_back(tmp);        if (tmp == 0) {            cnt++;        }else{            count[cnt]++;        }        cin >> tmp;    }    vector<int> print;    for(int i=0;i<arr.size();++i){        if(arr[i]>0){            print.push_back(arr[i]);        }    }    int sum[100]={0};    for(int k=0;k<cnt;++k){        for(int l=0;l<=k;++l)        {            sum[k]+=count[l];        }    }    for(int k=0;k<cnt;++k){        for(int i=0;i<sum[k];++i){            cout<<print[i]<<' ';        }        double ans;        if(sum[k]%2==0){            ans=(print[sum[k]/2]+print[sum[k]/2-1])/2.0;        }        else ans=print[sum[k]/2];        cout<<fixed<<setprecision(6)<<ans<<endl;    }}/*Sample input:1 2 3 4 5 07 8 9 0-1Sample output:1 2 3 4 5 3.0000001 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 4.500000*//*Additional input:145 15 163 13609 135 015 3614 16345 13051 16349 14 0-1Additional output:145 15 163 13609 135 163.000000145 15 163 13609 135 15 3614 16345 13051 16349 14 15.000000*/




//Difficulty:??/10//Importance: 0/10#include <iostream>#include <cmath>#define N 11#define c 299792.458using namespace std;double X[N],A[N],B[N],C[N],T[N];void scanf1(double A[N],int n){    for(int i=0;i<n;i++) {        cin >> A[i];    }}void print1(double A[N],int n) { //输出一个矢量    int i,tmp;    double a;    for (i=0; i<n-1; i++){        tmp=(int)(A[i]*10000);        a=(double)tmp/10000.0;        printf("%.4lf,",a);    }    tmp=(int)(A[n-1]*10000);    a=(double)tmp/10000.0;    printf("%.4lf",a);}void print2(double A[N][N],int n) { //输出一个矩阵    int i, j;    for (i=0; i<n; i++) {        for (j=0; j<n; j++)            printf("%.7lf ", A[i][j]);        printf("\n");    }}// 计算代数余子式函数,结果=destint GetCoFactor(double dest[N][N], double src[N][N], int row, int col, int n){    int i, j;    int colCount=0,rowCount=0;    for(i=0; i<n; i++ ) {        if( i!=row ) {            colCount = 0;            for(j=0; j<n; j++ )                if( j != col ) { //当j不是元素时                    dest[rowCount][colCount] = src[i][j];                    colCount++;                }            rowCount++;        }    }    return 1;}// 递归计算行列式,结果=返回值double CalcDeterminant(double mat[N][N], int n){    int i,j;    double det = 0; //行列式值    double minor[N][N]; // allocate 余子式矩阵    // n 必须 >= 0,当矩阵是单个元素时停止递归    if( n == 1 ) return mat[0][0];    for(i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {        GetCoFactor(minor, mat, 0, i , n);        det += ( i%2==1 ? -1.0 : 1.0 ) * mat[0][i] * CalcDeterminant(minor,n-1);    }    return det;}// 伴随矩阵法矩阵求逆 , 结果存放到 inv 数组void MatrixInversion(double J[N][N], int n){    int i,j;    double det, temp [N][N], minor[N][N];    double inv[N][N];    det = 1.0/CalcDeterminant(J,n); //计算行列式    for(j=0; j<n; j++)        for(i=0; i<n; i++) {            // 得到矩阵A(j,i)的代数余子式            GetCoFactor(minor,J,j,i,n);            inv[i][j] = det*CalcDeterminant(minor,n-1);            if( (i+j)%2 == 1)                inv[i][j] = -inv[i][j];        }    //结果存回J矩阵    for(j=0; j<n; j++)        for(i=0; i<n; i++)            J[i][j] = inv[i][j];}// 由Xn计算函数Fn,结果存放到 Fvoid CalcF(double F[N],double X[N],int n) {    double f;    int i;    for (i=0; i<n; i++) {        switch (i+1) {            case 1:                f=X[0]*X[0]+X[1]*X[1]-2*X[0]-X[2]+1; //x^2+y^2-2x-z+1                break;            case 2:                f=X[0]*X[1]*X[1]-X[0]-3*X[1]+X[1]*X[2]+2; //xy^2-x-3y+yz+2                break;            case 3:                f=X[0]*X[2]*X[2]-3*X[2]+X[1]*X[2]*X[2]+X[0]*X[1]; //xz^2-3z+yz^2+xy                break;        }        F[i]=f;    }}void CalcF_re(double F[N],double X[N],int n) {    double f;    int i;    for (i=0; i<n; i++) {        switch (i+1) {            case 1:                f=(X[0]-A[0])*(X[0]-A[0])+(X[1]-B[0])*(X[1]-B[0])+(X[2]-C[0])*(X[2]-C[0])-(c*(T[0]-X[3]))*(c*(T[0]-X[3]));                break;            case 2:                f=(X[0]-A[1])*(X[0]-A[1])+(X[1]-B[1])*(X[1]-B[1])+(X[2]-C[1])*(X[2]-C[1])-(c*(T[1]-X[3]))*(c*(T[1]-X[3]));                break;            case 3:                f=(X[0]-A[2])*(X[0]-A[2])+(X[1]-B[2])*(X[1]-B[2])+(X[2]-C[2])*(X[2]-C[2])-(c*(T[2]-X[3]))*(c*(T[2]-X[3]));                break;            case 4:                f=(X[0]-A[3])*(X[0]-A[3])+(X[1]-B[3])*(X[1]-B[3])+(X[2]-C[3])*(X[2]-C[3])-(c*(T[3]-X[3]))*(c*(T[3]-X[3]));        }        F[i]=f;    }}// 由Xn计算偏导数Jacobian矩阵F'n,结果存放到 Jvoid CalcJ(double J[N][N],double X[N],int n) {    double f;    int i,j;    for (i=0; i<n; i++)        switch (i+1) {            case 1:                for (j=0; j<n; j++) {                    switch (j+1) {                        case 1: f=2*X[0]-2;break; // J1.1=2x-2                        case 2: f=2*X[1];break; // J1.2=2y                        case 3: f=-1;break;  // J1.3=-1                    }                    J[i][j]=f;                }                break;            case 2:                for (j=0; j<n; j++) {                    switch (j+1) {                        case 1: f=X[1]*X[1]-1;break; // J2.1=y^2-1                        case 2: f=2*X[0]*X[1]-3+X[2];break; // J2.2=2xy-3+z                        case 3: f=X[1];break; // J2.3=y                    }                    J[i][j]=f;                }                break;            case 3:                for (j=0; j<n; j++) {                    switch (j+1) {                        case 1: f=X[2]*X[2]+X[1];break; // J3.1=z^2+y                        case 2: f=X[2]*X[2]+X[0];break; // J3.2=z^2+x                        case 3: f=2*X[0]*X[2]-3+2*X[1]*X[2];break; // J3.3=2xz-3+2yz                    }                    J[i][j]=f;                }                break;        }}// 由Xn计算偏导数Jacobian矩阵F'n,结果存放到 Jvoid CalcJ_re(double J[N][N],double X[N],int n) {    double f;    int i,j;    for (i=0; i<n; i++)        switch (i+1) {            case 1:                for (j=0; j<n; j++) {                    switch (j+1) {                        case 1: f=2*(X[0]-A[0]);break; // J1.1=2(x-A1)                        case 2: f=2*(X[1]-B[0]);break; // J1.2=2(y-B1)                        case 3: f=2*(X[2]-C[0]);break;  // J1.3=2(z-C1)                        case 4: f=2*c*c*(T[0]-X[3]);break;//J1.4=2*c^2(t1-d)                    }                    J[i][j]=f;                }                break;            case 2:                for (j=0; j<n; j++) {                    switch (j+1) {                        case 1: f=2*(X[0]-A[1]);break; // J1.1=2(x-A1)                        case 2: f=2*(X[1]-B[1]);break; // J1.2=2(y-B1)                        case 3: f=2*(X[2]-C[1]);break;  // J1.3=2(z-C1)                        case 4: f=2*c*c*(T[1]-X[3]);break;//J1.4=2*c^2(t1-d)                    }                    J[i][j]=f;                }                break;            case 3:                for (j=0; j<n; j++) {                    switch (j+1) {                        case 1: f=2*(X[0]-A[2]);break; // J1.1=2(x-A1)                        case 2: f=2*(X[1]-B[2]);break; // J1.2=2(y-B1)                        case 3: f=2*(X[2]-C[2]);break;  // J1.3=2(z-C1)                        case 4: f=2*c*c*(T[2]-X[3]);break;//J1.4=2*c^2(t1-d)                    }                    J[i][j]=f;                }                break;            case 4:                for (j=0; j<n; j++) {                    switch (j+1) {                        case 1: f=2*(X[0]-A[3]);break; // J1.1=2(x-A1)                        case 2: f=2*(X[1]-B[3]);break; // J1.2=2(y-B1)                        case 3: f=2*(X[2]-C[3]);break;  // J1.3=2(z-C1)                        case 4: f=2*c*c*(T[3]-X[3]);break;//J1.4=2*c^2(t1-d)                    }                    J[i][j]=f;                }                break;        }}// 计算 J^-1* F,结果存放到 Rvoid CalcJF(double R[N], double J[N][N], double F[N], int n) {    int i,j,k;    for (i=0; i<n; i++) {        R[i]=0.0;        for (j=0; j<n; j++)            R[i] = R[i] + J[i][j]*F[j];    }}// 计算 X=X0-R,结果存放到 Xvoid CalcX(double X[N],double X0[N],double R[N],int n) {    int i;    for (i=0; i<n; i++)        X[i]=X0[i]-R[i];}// 计算 A=B,结果存放到 Avoid AequB(double A[N],double B[N],int n) {    int i;    for (i=0; i<n; i++)        A[i]=B[i];}// 计算 F-double Ferror(double F[N], int n) {    double m=0;    int i;    for (i=0; i<n; i++) {        double t=fabs(F[i]);        if (m<t) m = t;    }    return m;}// Newton–Raphson method 牛顿迭代法求非线性方程组的根,存放到X0void mvNewtons(double X0[N], int n, double e) {    // Guess为初始猜测值 e为迭代精度要求    int k;    double J[N][N],Y[N][N];    double X[N],R[N],F[N];    //X0一开始为初始猜测值    for (k=1; k<=20; k++) { //限定20次迭代        /*printf("-------------- n=%d\n",k);printf("X\n");print1(X0,n); //输出X0        */        CalcF_re(F,X0,n); //计算F矩阵        /*printf("F\n"); //观察 Fprint1(F,n); //输出F        */        CalcJ_re(J,X0,n); //计算Jacobian矩阵F'n(x0)        /*printf("J\n");print2(J,n); //观察 J        */        MatrixInversion(J, n); // 求J的逆矩阵 J^-1        CalcJF(R,J,F,n); // R=J^-1 * F        CalcX(X,X0,R,n); // X=X0-R        AequB(X0,X,n); // X0=X 下次迭代        if (Ferror(F,n)<e) break; //达到精度要求,终止迭代    }}int main() {    int n=4;    cin>>A[0]>>B[0]>>C[0];    cin>>A[1]>>B[1]>>C[1];    cin>>A[2]>>B[2]>>C[2];    cin>>A[3]>>B[3]>>C[3];    scanf1(T,n);    scanf1(X,n);    mvNewtons(X,n,1e-6); //根存放在X    print1(X,3);    return 0;}/*Sample input:15600 7540 2014018760 2750 1861017610 14630 1348019170 610 183900.07074 0.07220 0.07690 0.072420 0 6370 0Sample output:-41.7727,-16.7891,6370.0595*//*Additional input:NULLAdditional output:NULL*/


//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10#include <iostream>using namespace std;int maxi(int a, int b) {    return a > b ? a : b;}int mini(int a, int b) {    return a < b ? a : b;}int cross(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) {    return x1 * y2 - y1 * x2;}bool insert(int line1[4], int line2[4]) {    if (maxi(line2[0], line2[2]) < mini(line1[0], line1[2]) ||        maxi(line1[0],line1[2]) < mini(line2[0], line2[2]) ||        maxi(line2[1], line2[3]) < mini(line1[1], line1[3]) ||        maxi(line1[1], line2[3]) < mini(line2[1],line2[3])) return false;    if (cross(line1[2] - line1[0], line1[3] - line1[1], line2[0] - line1[0], line2[1] - line1[1]) *        cross(line1[2] - line1[0], line1[3] - line1[1], line2[2] - line1[0], line2[3] - line1[1]) > 0 ||        cross(line2[2] - line2[0], line2[3] - line2[1], line1[0] - line2[0], line1[1] - line2[1]) *        cross(line2[2] - line2[0], line2[3] - line2[1], line1[2] - line2[0], line1[3] - line2[1]) > 0) return false;    return true;}int main() {    int n;    cin>>n;    int line[n][4];    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)        for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) cin>>line[i][j];    int cnt = 0;    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {        for (int j = i + 1; j < n; ++j) {            if (insert(line[i], line[j])) {                cout<<"X: #"<<i + 1<<" #"<<j + 1<<endl;                ++cnt;            }        }    }    cout<<"n="<<cnt;    return 0;}/*Sample input:51 5 4 52 5 10 13 2 10 36 4 9 47 1 8 1Sample output:X: #1 #2X: #2 #3n=2*//*Additional input:51 5 4 92 5 10 33 2 10 66 4 9 457 1 8 0Additional output:X: #2 #3X: #2 #4n=2*/







//Difficulty:??/10//Importance: 0/10//3th none AC you meet#include <cmath>#include <iostream>#include <iomanip>#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846using namespace std;double degToRad(double deg) {    return deg * M_PI / 180.0;}double calcSolarDeclination(int dayOfYear) {    return 0.4093 *  sin((2.0 * M_PI / 365.0) * dayOfYear - 1.405);}double calcTime(int year, int month, int day, double longitude, double latitude, bool sunrise, int timezone) {    int dayOfYear = (month - 1) * 30 + day;    double declination = calcSolarDeclination(dayOfYear);    double time = 12.0 + (sunrise ? -1 : 1) *  acos(( sin(degToRad(-0.83)) -  sin(degToRad(latitude)) *  sin(declination)) / ( cos(degToRad(latitude)) *  cos(declination))) / M_PI * 180.0 / 15.0;    return time - 4.0 * longitude / 60.0 + timezone;}int main() {    int year, month, day, timezone;    double longitude, latitude;    cin >> year >> month >> day ;    cin >> longitude >> latitude ;    cin >> timezone;    double sunrise = calcTime(year, month, day, longitude, latitude, true, timezone);    double sunset = calcTime(year, month, day, longitude, latitude, false, timezone);    double noon = calcTime(year, month, day, longitude, latitude, false, timezone) - (sunset - sunrise) / 2;    cout <<"Solar Noon="<<  setfill('0') <<  setw(2) << int(noon) << ":" <<  setw(2) << int((noon - int(noon)) * 60) << ":" <<  setw(2) << int(((noon - int(noon)) * 60 - int((noon - int(noon)) * 60)) * 60) <<  endl;    cout <<"   Sunrise="<<  setfill('0') <<  setw(2) << int(sunrise) << ":" << setw(2) << int((sunrise - int(sunrise)) * 60) << ":" <<  setw(2) << int(((sunrise - int(sunrise)) * 60 - int((sunrise - int(sunrise)) * 60)) * 60) <<  endl;    cout <<"    Sunset="<<  setfill('0') <<  setw(2) << int(sunset) << ":" <<  setw(2) << int((sunset - int(sunset)) * 60) << ":" <<  setw(2) << int(((sunset - int(sunset)) * 60 - int((sunset - int(sunset)) * 60)) * 60) <<  endl;    return 0;}/*Sample input:2022 8 15108.760064 34.035672Sample output:*//*Additional input:NULLAdditional output:NULL*/




//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10#include <iostream>using namespace std;typedef struct tag {    long long id;    char name[31];    int score;} ST;void load(ST* arr[], int n) {    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {        arr[i] = (ST*) malloc(sizeof(ST));        cin>>arr[i]->id>>arr[i]->name>>arr[i]->score;    }}void sort(ST* arr[], int n) {    ST* tmp = NULL;    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {        bool isSwapped = false;        for (int j = 0; j < n - 1 - i; ++j)            if ((arr[j]->score < arr[j + 1]->score) ||                (arr[j]->score == arr[j + 1]->score && arr[j]->id > arr[j + 1]->id))                tmp = arr[j], arr[j] = arr[j + 1], arr[j + 1] = tmp, isSwapped = true;        if (!isSwapped) break;    }}void traverse(ST* arr[], int n) {    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)        cout<<arr[i]->id<<' '<<arr[i]->name<<' '<<arr[i]->score<<endl;}int main() {    int n;    cin>>n;    ST* grade[n];    load(grade, n);    sort(grade, n);    traverse(grade, n);    return 0;}/*Sample input:62001900001 Jerry 882001900005 Tom 922001900006 Milla 852001900002 Alice 802001900003 Mickey 852001900004 Aladdin 83Sample output:2001900005 Tom 922001900001 Jerry 882001900003 Mickey 852001900006 Milla 852001900004 Aladdin 832001900002 Alice 80*//*Additional input:NULLAdditional output:NULL*/





//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10#include <iostream>#include <string>#include <iomanip>#include <cmath>using namespace std;struct Atom{    string name;    double mass;    double APF;    double r;};Atom elemList[] =        {                { "Po",   208.998, 0.52360, 1.68 },                { "Li",     6.941, 0.68017, 1.52 },                { "Na", 22.989770, 0.68017, 1.86 },                { "Cr",   51.9961, 0.68017, 1.28 },                { "Mn", 54.938049, 0.68017, 1.27 },                { "Fe",    55.845, 0.68017, 1.26 },                { "Mo",     95.94, 0.68017, 1.39 },                { "Ta",  180.9749, 0.68017, 1.46 },                { "Al", 26.981538, 0.74048, 1.43 },                { "Ca",    40.078, 0.74048, 1.97 },                { "Ni",   58.6934, 0.74048, 1.24 },                { "Cu",    63.546, 0.74048, 1.28 },                { "Ge",     72.64, 0.74048, 1.22 },                { "Ag",  107.8682, 0.74048, 1.44 },                { "Pt",   195.078, 0.74048, 1.39 },                { "Au", 196.96655, 0.74048, 1.44 },                { "Pb",     207.2, 0.74048, 1.75 }        };template <int N> double pow(double a) { return a * pow<N - 1>(a); }template <> double pow<0>(double a) { return 1; }int main(){    int n;    cin >> n;    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)    {        string in;        cin >> in;        for(const auto& e : elemList)        {            if(e.name == in)            {                double V = 4.0 * M_PI * pow<3>(e.r) / 3.0;                cout << fixed << setprecision(2) << 10.0 * e.mass * e.APF / 6.022 / V << endl;                break;            }        }    }    return 0;}/*Sample input:3PoMoCuSample output:9.159.638.89*//*Additional input:NULLAdditional output:NULL*/


//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10#include <iostream>#include <map>using namespace std;string s;int getnum(int x){    int res = 0;    while (true)    {        char ch = s[x];        if(ch >='0'&& ch<='9' && s[x])        {            res = res * 10 + ch - '0';            ++ x;        }        else return res;    }    return res;}int main(){    getline(cin, s);    map<string, int> ump;    for (int i = 0; s[i]; i ++)    {        char ch = s[i];        if(!(ch>='A' && ch<='Z'))continue;        char ch1 = s[i+1];        if (ch1>='a' && ch1<='z')        {            string ele = "";            ele.append(1, ch);            ele.append(1, ch1);            int num = getnum(i+2);            if(num)            {                if(!ump.count(ele)) ump[ele] = num;                else ump[ele] += num;            }            else            {                if(!ump.count(ele)) ump[ele] = 1;                else ump[ele] += 1;            }        }        else        {            int num = getnum(i+1);            string ele = "";            ele.append(1, ch);            if(num)            {                if(!ump.count(ele)) ump[ele] = num;                else ump[ele] += num;            }            else            {                if(!ump.count(ele)) ump[ele] = 1;                else ump[ele] += 1;            }        }    }    for (auto& p : ump)    {        cout << p.first << " " << p.second << endl;    }}/*Sample input:Fe2H3OHSample output:Fe 2H 4*//*Additional input:H2OAdditional output:H 2O 1*/




//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10#include <iostream>using namespace std;int main() {    int Ti, Tf, cL, cV;    double mL, mV;    cin>>Ti>>Tf>>mL>>cL>>mV>>cV;    double QL = cL * mL * (Tf - Ti);    double QV = cV * mV * (Tf - Ti);    double Q = QL + QV;    printf("%.2lfkJ,%.2lf%%,%.2lf%%\n", Q / 1000, QV / Q, QL / Q);    return 0;}/*Sample input:20 800.250 41860.500 900Sample output:89.79kJ,0.30%,0.70%*//*Additional input:NULLAdditional output:NULL*/


//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10#include <iostream>#include <iomanip>using namespace std;const double timeStep = 0.1;int main(){    double totalMass, rocketMass, burnTime, cE, g;    cin >> totalMass >> rocketMass >> burnTime >> cE >> g;    double propellantMass = totalMass - rocketMass;    double massFlow = propellantMass / burnTime;    double T = massFlow * cE;    double altitude = 0, V = 0;    double timeLeft = burnTime + timeStep;    while(timeLeft >= 0)    {        double a = T / totalMass;        double deltaV = a * timeStep;        double deltaAltitude = V * timeStep;        double deltaM = massFlow * timeStep;        V += deltaV;        altitude += deltaAltitude;        totalMass -= deltaM;        timeLeft -= timeStep;    }    cout << fixed << setprecision(3) << altitude / 1000 << "km" << endl;    return 0;}/*Sample input:100000 10000 100 4000 9.81Sample output:298.766km*//*Additional input:NULLAdditional output:NULL*/




//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10#include <iostream>#include <cmath>#define PI 3.1415926using namespace std;double area(double AB,double BC,double CD,double DA,double diagonal){    double s1= (AB + BC + diagonal)/2;    double s2 = (CD + DA + diagonal)/2;    double area1 = sqrt(s1 * (s1 - AB) * (s1 - BC) * (s1 - diagonal));    double area2 = sqrt(s2 * (s2 - CD) * (s2 - DA) * (s2 - diagonal));    return area1 +area2;}double angle(double AB,double BC,double CD,double DA,double diagonal,double area){    double angle=(4 *area )/(BC * BC + DA * DA - AB * AB - CD * CD);    return atan(angle)*180.0/PI;}int main(){    double ab,bc,cd,da,ac;    cin>>ab>>bc>>cd>>da>>ac;    double areaout=area(ab,bc,cd,da,ac);    double angleout=angle(ab,bc,cd,da,ac,areaout);    printf("%.6lf %.1lf",areaout,angleout);}/*Sample input:7 5 5 7 6Sample output:29.293877 90.0*//*Additional input:NULLAdditional output:NULL*/





//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10//version 1:better#include <iostream>#include <cstring>using namespace std;int main() {    int n, m;    cin>>n>>m;    long long dp[n + 1];    memset(dp, -1, (n + 1) * sizeof(long long));    for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) {        int tmp;        cin>>tmp;        dp[tmp] = 0;    }    dp[1] = dp[1] ? 1 : 0;    dp[2] = dp[2] ? (dp[1] ? 2 : 1) : 0;    for (int i = 3; i <= n; ++i)        if(dp[i]) dp[i] = (dp[i - 1] + dp [i - 2]) % (long long) (1e9 + 7);    cout<<dp[n]<<endl;    return 0;}//version 2:#include <iostream>#include <vector>#include <algorithm>using namespace std;int main() {    int N, M;    cin >> N >> M;    vector<int> badSteps(M);    for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) {        cin >> badSteps[i];    }    vector<long long> dp(N + 1, 0);    dp[0] = 1;    dp[1] = (find(badSteps.begin(), badSteps.end(), 1) == badSteps.end()) ? 1 : 0;    for (int i = 2; i <= N; i++) {        if (find(badSteps.begin(), badSteps.end(), i) == badSteps.end()) {            dp[i] = (dp[i - 1] + dp[i - 2]) % 1000000007;        }    }    cout << dp[N] << endl;    return 0;}/*Sample input:6 13Sample output:4*//*Additional input:6 15Additional output:5*/


//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10//version 1:#include <iostream>#include <vector>#include <algorithm>using namespace std;int main() {    int n;    cin >> n;    vector<int> sticks(n);    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {        cin >> sticks[i];    }    sort(sticks.begin(), sticks.end(), greater<int>());    for (int i = 0; i < n - 2; i++) {        if (sticks[i] < sticks[i + 1] + sticks[i + 2]) {            vector<int> sides = {sticks[i], sticks[i + 1], sticks[i + 2]};            sort(sides.begin(), sides.end());            cout << sides[0] << " " << sides[1] << " " << sides[2] << endl;            return 0;        }    }    cout << -1 << endl;    return 0;}//version 2:more basic#include <iostream>#include <ctime>using namespace std;void quickSort(int arr[], int left, int right) {    if (left >= right) return;    srand(time(NULL));    int idx = rand() % (left - right) + left;    int flag = arr[idx], head = left - 1, tail = right + 1;    while (head < tail) {        do head++; while(arr[head] < flag);        do tail--; while(arr[tail] > flag);        if (head < tail) {            int tmp = arr[head];            arr[head] = arr[tail];            arr[tail] = tmp;        }    }    quickSort(arr, left, tail);    quickSort(arr, tail + 1, right);}void findTri(int arr[], int n) {    for (int i = n - 1; i > 1; --i)        if (arr[i] < arr[i - 1] + arr[i - 2]) {            cout<<arr[i - 2]<<arr[i - 1]<<arr[i]<<endl;            return;        }    cout<<-1<<endl;}int main() {    int n;    cin>>n;    int arr[n];    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) cin>>arr[i];    quickSort(arr, 0, n - 1);    findTri(arr, n);    return 0;}/*Sample input:61 8 5 2 4 3Sample output:4 5 8*//*Additional input:NULLAdditional output:NULL*/





//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10//version 1:#include <iostream>#include <cmath>using namespace std;int count(int n) {    if (n < 3) {        return 0;    } else if (n == 3) {        return 1;    } else if (n == 4) {        return 3;    } else {        return 2 * count(n - 1) + pow(2, n - 4) - count(n - 4);    }}int main() {    int n;    while (cin >> n && n > 0) {        cout << count(n) << endl;    }}//version 2:violent,then table lookup//calculate by -> tmp & (tmp >> 1) & (tmp >> 1)#include <iostream>using namespace std;long long w[] = {0, 0, 0, 1, 3, 8, 20, 47, 107, 238, 520, 1121,2391, 5056, 10616, 22159, 46023, 95182, 196132, 402873, 825259,1686408, 3438828, 6999071, 14221459, 28853662, 58462800,118315137, 239186031, 483072832, 974791728};int main(){    int n;    while (cin >> n, n)    {        if (n <= 0) exit(0);        cout << w[n] << endl;    }    return 0;}/*Sample input:123450Sample output:00138*//*Additional input:NULLAdditional output:NULL*/


//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10#include <iostream>#include <ctime>using namespace std;struct Tag {    int guest;    int end;};void quickSort(Tag* arr[], int left, int right) {    if (left >= right) return;    srand(time(NULL));    int idx = rand() % (left - right) + left;    int flag = arr[idx]->end, head = left - 1, tail = right + 1;    while (head < tail) {        do head++; while(arr[head]->end < flag);        do tail--; while(arr[tail]->end > flag);        if (head < tail) {            Tag *tmp = arr[head];            arr[head] = arr[tail];            arr[tail] = tmp;        }    }    quickSort(arr, left, tail);    quickSort(arr, tail + 1, right);}void traverse(Tag *arr[], int n) {    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)        cout<<arr[i]->guest<<' ';}int main() {    int n;    cin>>n;    Tag *arr[n];    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {        arr[i] = (Tag*)malloc(sizeof(Tag));        arr[i]->guest = i + 1;        int begin, duration;        cin>>begin>>duration;        arr[i]->end = begin + duration;    }    quickSort(arr, 0, n -1);    traverse(arr, n);    return 0;}/*Sample input:33 31 32 3Sample output:2 3 1*//*Additional input:NULLAdditional output:NULL*/


//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10#include <iostream>#include <cstring>using namespace std;long long substrToNum(char str[], int pos, int len) {    long long num = 0;    for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)        num = num * 10 + str[pos + i] - '0';    return num;}long long getLen(long long n) {    int cnt = 0;    do ++cnt, n /= 10; while(n);    return cnt;}bool backTracking(char str[], int strLen, int begin, int len1, int len2) {    if (begin + len1 + len2 >= strLen) return true;    long long num1 = substrToNum(str, begin, len1);    long long num2 = substrToNum(str, begin + len1, len2);    long long num3 = substrToNum(str, begin + len1 + len2, getLen(num1 + num2));    if (num1 + num2 == num3) return backTracking(str, strLen, begin + getLen(num1), getLen(num2), getLen(num3));    return false;}void partition(char str[]) {    int strLen = strlen(str);    for (int i = 1; i <= strLen / 2; ++i) {        if (backTracking (str, strLen, 0, i, i)) {            cout<<"true\n";            return;        }    }    cout<<"false\n";}int main() {    char str[1000] = "";    cin>>str;    partition(str);    return 0;}/*Sample input:1212243660Sample output:true*//*Additional input:NULLAdditional output:NULL*/


//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10#include <iostream>#include <ctime>#include <climits>#include <cstdlib>using namespace std;void quickSort(int arr[], int left, int right) {    if (left >= right) return;    srand(time(NULL));    int idx = rand() % (left - right) + left;    int flag = arr[idx], head = left - 1, tail = right + 1;    while (head < tail) {        do head++; while(arr[head] < flag);        do tail--; while(arr[tail] > flag);        if (head < tail) {            int tmp = arr[head];            arr[head] = arr[tail];            arr[tail] = tmp;        }    }    quickSort(arr, left, tail);    quickSort(arr, tail + 1, right);}int minAbsSub(int arr[], int n) {    int min = INT_MAX;    for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; ++i) {        int tmp = arr[i + 1] - arr[i];        if (tmp < min) min = tmp;    }    return min;}int main() {    int n;    cin>>n;    int arr[n];    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) cin>>arr[i];    quickSort(arr, 0, n - 1);    cout<<minAbsSub(arr, n);    return 0;}/*Sample input:33 -7 0Sample output:3*//*Additional input:NULLAdditional output:NULL*/


//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10#include <iostream>#include <cstring>using namespace std;int maxSum(int arr[], int n) {    int dp[n];    memset(dp, 0, n * sizeof(int));    int maxi = arr[0];    dp[0] = arr[0];    for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i) {        dp[i] = arr[i] > (dp[i - 1] + arr[i]) ? arr[i] : (dp[i - 1] + arr[i]);        maxi = dp[i] > maxi ? dp[i] : maxi;    }    return maxi;}int main() {    int n;    cin>>n;    int arr[n];    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) cin>>arr[i];    cout<<maxSum(arr, n)<<endl;    return 0;}/*Sample input:72 -4 1 9 -6 7 -3Sample output:11*//*Additional input:NULLAdditional output:MULL*/


//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10#include <iostream>#include <climits>#include <cstdlib>#include <ctime>using namespace std;void quickSort(long long arr[], long long left, long long right) {    if (left >= right) return;    srand(time(NULL));    long long idx = rand() % (left - right) + left;    long long flag = arr[idx], head = left - 1, tail = right + 1;    while (head < tail) {        do head++; while(arr[head] < flag);        do tail--; while(arr[tail] > flag);        if (head < tail) {            long long tmp = arr[head];            arr[head] = arr[tail];            arr[tail] = tmp;        }    }    quickSort(arr, left, tail);    quickSort(arr, tail + 1, right);}long long maxi(long long arr[], long long n) {    long long max = LLONG_MIN;    for (long long i = 0; i < n; ++i)        if (max < arr[i]) max = arr[i];    return max;}long long sumMax(long long arr[], long long n) {    long long dp[n];    dp[0] = arr[0];    for (long long i = 1; i < n; ++i) {        if (arr[i] == arr[i - 1])            dp[i] = dp[i - 1] > (arr[i] + dp[i - 1]) ? dp[i - 1] : (arr[i] + dp[i - 1]);        else {            long long j = i - 1;            while (j >= 0 && arr[j] >= arr[i] - 1) --j;            dp[i] = arr[i] + (j >= 0 ? dp[j] : 0);        }    }    return maxi(dp, n);}int main() {    long long n;    cin>>n;    long long arr[n];    for (long long i = 0; i < n; ++i) cin>>arr[i];    quickSort(arr, 0, n - 1);    cout<<sumMax(arr, n)<<endl;    return 0;}/*Sample input:31 2 3Sample output:4*//*Additional input:NULLAdditional output:NULL*/


//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10#include <iostream>#include <cstring>using namespace std;long long dp[100];long long seg[100] = {0};long long method(char str[]) {    memset(dp, -1, 100 * sizeof(long long));    char *iter = str;    int part = 0, ans = 1;    seg[part] = 1;    while (*iter) {        if (*iter == 'm' || *iter == 'w') return 0;        if (*iter == 'n' && *(iter + 1) == 'n') {            int cnt = 1;            dp[0] = 1, dp[1] = 2, iter += 2;            while(*iter == 'n') {                ++cnt, ++iter;                dp[cnt] = dp[cnt - 1] + dp[cnt - 2];            }            seg[++part] = dp[cnt];        }        else if (*iter == 'u' && *(iter + 1) == 'u') {            int cnt = 1;            dp[0] = 1, dp[1] = 2, iter += 2;            while(*iter == 'u') {                ++cnt, ++iter;                dp[cnt] = dp[cnt - 1] + dp[cnt - 2];            }            seg[++part] = dp[cnt];        }        else ++iter;    }    for (int i = 0; seg[i] ; ++i) ans *= seg[i];    return ans;}int main() {    char str[1000];    cin>>str;    cout<<method(str);    return 0;}/*Sample input:ennkuuSample output:4*//*Additional input:NULLAdditional output:NULL*/


//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10#include <iostream>#include <cstring>using namespace std;int dist[12][12];int n, m;bool pass[12];int ans = -1;bool check(int v, int u) {    return !pass[u] && dist[v][u] != 0x3f3f3f3f;}bool noway(int v) {    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)        if (check(v, i)) return false;    return true;}void backTracking(int v, int l) {    if (noway(v)) {        ans = ans > l ? ans : l;        return;    }    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {        if (check(v, i) && i != v) {            pass[i] = true;            backTracking(i, l + dist[v][i]);            pass[i] = false;        }    }}int main() {    cin>>n>>m;    memset(dist, 0x3f, sizeof(dist));    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) dist[i][i] = 0;    while (m) {        int v, u, l;        cin>>v>>u>>l;        v -= 1, u -= 1;        dist[v][u] = dist[v][u] < l ? dist[v][u] : l;        dist[u][v] = dist[v][u], --m;    }    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {        memset(pass, 0, sizeof(pass));        pass[i] = true;        backTracking(i, 0);    }    cout<<ans<<endl;    return 0;}/*Sample input:4 41 2 12 3 101 3 1001 4 1000Sample output:1110*//*Additional input:NULLAdditional output:NULL*/



//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10//version 1:lots of string#include <iostream>#include <string>using namespace std;string fropro(string fron){    int num=fron.size();    for(int i=0;i<num-1;++i){        for(int j=0;j<num-1;++j){            if(fron[j]<fron[j+1]){                swap(fron[j],fron[j+1]);            }        }    }    return fron;}int main(){    string str,ans,fron,lat;    cin>>str;    int len=str.size();    for(int i=0;i<len/2;++i){        fron+=str[i];    }    if(len&1){        for(int i=len-1;i>len/2;--i){            lat+=str[i];        }        ans=fropro(fron)+str[len/2]+lat;    }    else{        for(int i=len-1;i>=len/2;--i){            lat+=str[i];        }        ans=fropro(fron)+lat;    }    cout<<ans;    return 0;}//version 2:single string#include <iostream>#include<string>using namespace std;void sort(string &p,int n){    int pos=n/2-1;    for(int i=0;i<pos-1;++i){        for(int j=0;j<pos-1-i;++j){            if(p[j]<p[j+1]){                char tmp=p[j];                p[j]=p[j+1];                p[j+1]=tmp;            }        }    }}void rev(string &p,int n){    int pos=0;    if(n&1) pos=n/2+1;    else pos=n/2;    for(int i=pos,j=n-1;i<j;++i,--j){        char tmp=p[i];p[i]=p[j];p[j]=tmp;    }}int main(){    string str;    cin>>str;    int n=str.size();    sort(str,n);    rev(str,n);    cout<<str;    return 0;}/*Sample input:abcdefX181292Sample output:fedcbaX292181*//*Additional input:NULLAdditional output:NULL*/

092.【考试题型:函数(递归)】 阿克曼函数



//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10#include <iostream>using namespace std;int Ackermann(int m,int n){    if(m==0) return n+1;    else if(n==0) return Ackermann(m-1,1);     return Ackermann(m-1,Ackermann(m,n-1));}int main(){    int m,n;    cin>>m>>n;    cout<<Ackermann(m,n);    return 0;}/*Sample input:2 3Sample output:9*//*Additional input:NULLAdditional output:NULL*/


//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10#include <iostream>#include <iomanip>using namespace std;double an(int i){    if(i==1) return 3.0;    else if(i&1) return -4.0/(2.0*i*(2.0*i-1)*(2.0*i-2));    return 4.0/(2.0*i*(2.0*i-1.0)*(2.0*i-2.0));}int main(){    int n;    cin>>n;    double ans=0;    for(int i=1;i<n+1;++i) ans+=an(i);    cout<<fixed<<setprecision(7)<<ans;    //printf("%.7f",ans);    return 0;}/*Sample input:100Sample output:3.1415929*//*Additional input:NULLAdditional output:NULL*/


//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10#include <iostream>#include <cmath>#include <iomanip>using namespace std;int main(){    double m1,m2;    cin>>m1>>m2;    cout<<fixed<<setprecision(4)<<sqrt(m2/m1);    //printf("%.4f",sqrt(m2/m1));    return 0;}/*Sample input:349.03 352.04Sample output:1.0043*//*Additional input:NULLAdditional output:NULL*/


//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10//version 1#include <iostream>#include <fstream>#include <cmath>#include <iomanip>using namespace std;int main(){    int n;    cin>>n;    ofstream writef("rr.dat",ios_base::out);    if(writef.is_open()){        for(int i=1;i<n+1;++i){            writef<<fixed<<setprecision(6)<<sqrt((double)i)<<endl;//endl is must        }        writef.close();    }    ifstream oputf("rr.dat",ios_base::in);    if(oputf.is_open()){        double num;        while(oputf>>num){            cout<<fixed<<setprecision(6)<<num<<' ';        }    }    oputf.close();    return 0;}//version 2:clearer#include<iostream>#include<fstream>#include<cmath>#include<iomanip>using namespace std;int main(){    int n;    cin>>n;    ofstream ofs;    ofs.open("rr.dat",ios::out);    if(ofs.is_open()){        for(int i=1;i<n+1;++i){            ofs<<fixed<<setprecision(6)<<sqrt(i)<<endl;        }    }    ofs.close();    ifstream ifs;    ifs.open("rr.dat",ios::in);    if(ifs.is_open()){        for(int i=1;i<n+1;++i){            double x;            ifs>>x;            cout<<fixed<<setprecision(6)<<x<<' ';        }    }    ifs.close();}/*Sample input:5Sample output:1.000000 1.414214 1.732051 2.000000 2.236068*//*Additional input:NULLAdditional output:NULL*/


//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10//version 1:common#include <iostream>using namespace std;int main() {    int s;    cin>>s;    int cnt[4], r = s;    cnt[0] = r / 10, r -= cnt[0] * 10;    cnt[1] = r / 5, r -= cnt[1] * 5;    cnt[2] = r / 2, cnt[3] = r - cnt[2] * 2;    if (cnt[3]) cout<<"1="<<cnt[3]<<endl;    if (cnt[2]) cout<<"2="<<cnt[2]<<endl;    if (cnt[1]) cout<<"5="<<cnt[1]<<endl;    if (cnt[0]) cout<<"10="<<cnt[0]<<endl;    return 0;}//version 2:better#include<iostream>using namespace std;int main(){    int cash[4][2]={{1,0},{2,0},{5,0},{10,0}};    int cost;    cin>>cost;    for(int i=3;i>=0;--i){        while(cost>=cash[i][0]){        cost-=cash[i][0];        cash[i][1]++;        }    }    for(int i=0;i<4;++i){        printf("%d=%d\n",cash[i][0],cash[i][1]);    }}/*Sample input:25Sample output:5=110=2*//*Additional input:NULLAdditional output:NULL*/


//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10#include <iostream>#include <cmath>#include <iomanip>using namespace std;int main() {    double m,v,c,t;    cin>>v>>t;    c=331.3*sqrt(1.0+t/273.15);    m=v/(c*3.6);    string a;    if(m<0.8) a="subsonic";    else if(m<1.2) a="transonic";    else if(m<5.0) a="supersonic";    else if(m<=10.0) a="hypersonic";    cout<<fixed<<setprecision(3)<<m<<' '<<a;    return 0;}/*Sample input:920 -49.90Sample output:0.853 transonic*//*Additional input:NULLAdditional output:NULL*/


//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10//version 1#include <iostream>#include <string>using namespace std;int sum=0;int cha(char a,char b){    char c='Z';    char d='A';    if(a<b) return (int)b-(int)a;    else if(a==b) return 0;    else return (int)c-(int)a+1+(int)b-(int)d;}int num(char a,char b){    char d='0';    char c='9';    if(a<b) return (int)b-(int)a;    else if(a==b) return 0;    else return (int)c-(int)a+1+(int)b-(int)d;}void cal(string a,string b){    for(int i=0;i<2;++i){        sum+=cha(a[i],b[i]);    }    for(int i=2;i<6;++i){        sum+=num(a[i],b[i]);    }}int main() {    string a,b;    cin>>a>>b;    cal(a,b);    cout<<sum;    return 0;}//version 2:kind of better#include<iostream>using namespace std;int flaps(char a,char b){    if(a>='A'){        if(a<=b) return b-a;        return b-'A'+1+'Z'-a;    }    if(a<=b) return b-a;    return b-'0'+1+'9'-a;}int main(){  string sta,des;  cin>>sta>>des;  int cnt=0;  for(int i=0;i<6;++i){    cnt+=flaps(sta[i],des[i]);  }  cout<<cnt;}/*Sample input:MU2103CA8326Sample output:35*//*Additional input:MU2103MU2103Additional output:0*/


//Difficulty: 2/10//Importance: 2/10//version 1:advanced std#include <iostream>#include <cmath>#include <vector>#include <string>#include <iomanip>using namespace std;struct Plane {    string id;    int x;    int y;};int main() {    int n;    cin >> n;    vector<Plane*> planes;    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {        Plane* p = new Plane();        cin >> p->id >> p->x >> p->y;        planes.push_back(p);    }    double minDist = 1e9;    int idx1, idx2;    for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; ++i) {        for (int j = i + 1; j < n; ++j) {            double dist = sqrt(pow(planes[i]->x - planes[j]->x, 2) +                               pow(planes[i]->y - planes[j]->y, 2));            if (dist < minDist) {                idx1 = i;                idx2 = j;                minDist = dist;            }        }    }    cout << planes[idx1]->id << "-" << planes[idx2]->id << " " << fixed <<setprecision(4) << minDist;    // Free memory allocated for Plane objects    for (auto p : planes) {        delete p;    }    return 0;}//version 2:more common#include<iostream>#include<string>#include<cmath>using namespace std;struct Plane{ string id; int x,y;};double dis(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2){return sqrt((x1-x2)*(x1-x2)+(y1-y2)*(y1-y2));}int main(){  int n;  cin>>n;  Plane airs[n];  for(int i=0;i<n;++i){    cin>>airs[i].id>>airs[i].x>>airs[i].y;  }  double mdis=1e9;  int id0=0,id1=1;  for(int i=0;i<n;++i){    for(int j=i+1;j<n;++j){        if(mdis>=dis(airs[i].x,airs[i].y,airs[j].x,airs[j].y)){            id0=i;id1=j;mdis=dis(airs[i].x,airs[i].y,airs[j].x,airs[j].y);        }    }  }  cout<<airs[id0].id<<'-'<<airs[id1].id<<' ';  printf("%.4f",mdis);}/*Sample input:6UA057 2 3AA044 12 30BA1534 40 50DL262 5 1AF001 12 10SK837 3 4Sample output:UA057-SK837 1.4142*//*Additional input:NULLAdditional output:NULL*/


//Difficulty:??/10//Importance: 0/10//total: 96 AC, 3 WA, 1 NC//that's the end//hope you have properly used all these codes//otherwise all my efforts would be useless//Fight for all the beauty in this world!//May all the beauty be blessed.//version 1:dull,but straight and simple#include <iostream>#include <unordered_map>using namespace std;int main() {    int n;    cin>>n;    int arr[n];    for(int i=0;i<n;++i){        cin>>arr[i];    }    int cnt=0;    unordered_map<int, bool> countMap;    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {        countMap[arr[i]]=1;    }    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {        if(countMap[arr[i]]=1){            cnt++;        }    }    cout<<cnt-countMap.size();    return 0;}//version 2: a brilliant break#include<iostream>using namespace std;int main(){  int n;  cin>>n;  int arr[n];  for(int i=0;i<n;++i) cin>>arr[i];  int cnt=0;  for(int i=0;i<n;++i){    for(int j=i+1;j<n;++j){        if(arr[i]==arr[j]) {        cnt++;        break;        }    }  }  cout<<cnt;}/*Sample input:101 10 20 1 25 1 10 30 25 1Sample output:5*//*Additional input:NULLAdditional output:NULL*/



